Chapter 8. unglom

Time stamped event building requires that you choose a coincidence window that defines which fragments are correlated to form an event. The coincidence window is specified using the -dt option on the glom command. If this time window is incorrectly chosen events may not be correctly built.

The unglom command is a filter (input from standard input and output to standard output) that takes the data output from glom and breaks it up into its constituent fragments again. Once that's done, the idea is that you can use glom again to rebuild the events from the original fragments with a different coincidence time window.;

For reference information about unglom see: unglom

Below is an example of using unglom together with glom in a pipeline to rebuild an event file with a new coincidence window.

Example 8-1. Using unglom and glom to re-build events

unglom <run-0001-00.evt --id 1 | glom --dt=100 >run0001-00-reglommed.evt

Naturally a script could be written either to accept an input/output file as parameters or to iterate over an entire set of event files.