Event builder readout callouts allow you to integrate the event builder with the Readout GUI. There are three layers of callouts;
An API layer provides the highest level of flexbility by providing you witha set of Tcl procs you can use from inside your ReadoutCallouts Extensions to manage the event builder and its pipeline.
An EZBuilder layer provides a set of simple calls you can make from your ReadoutGUI ReadoutCallous.tcl script.
A ReadoutGUI state machine callout bundle that allows you to register and configure the event builder and to let the state machine callbacks take care of everything for you. This is the preferred way to integrate the event builder into your experiment
All of these layres are part of the Tcl package evbcallouts
The API layer of the readout callouts library provides low level calls that let you start and stop the event builder as well as to reset its timestamp knowledge.
Procedures have also been provided to help you start standard
event sources. Specifically startRingSource
starts a ring buffer data source while startS800Source
starts the S800 data source.
Reference information for the API layer is provided in the 3evb manpage section.