

ringbuffer -- Manage ring buffers.


ringbuffer create ?--datasize=n? ?--maxconsumers=n? name

ringbuffer format ?--maxconsumers=n? name

ringbuffer delete name

ringbuffer status ?--host=hostname? ?pattern?

ringbuffer list ?--host=hostname?


The ringbuffer command is an ensemble of commands that manipulate NSCL ring buffers. A command ensemble is a single command that has subcommands. The subcommands determine what is actually done. See ENSEMBLE COMMANDS for a description of each ensemble subcommand.


ringbuffer create ?--datasize=n? ?--maxconsumers=n? name

Creates a new ring buffer. The name parameter is mandatory and is the name of the new ring buffer. The ringbuffer name must not have any / characters embedded in it. Since the ringbuffer command is actually a Tcl script it's probably a good idea to avoid characters that have special meaning to Tcl as well.

ringbuffer format ?--maxconsumers=n? name

Formats the header of the ring buffer name. name must already exist. If provided, the value of the optional option --maxconsumers determines how many consumers can simultaneously connect to the ring buffer.

ringbuffer delete name

Marks the ring buffer name for deletion. name immediately is no longer available for new attachments. Once all existing attached clients have detached, the ring buffer shared memory region will be deleted.

ringbuffer status ?--host=hostname? ?pattern?

Outputs the status of all active ring buffers that match pattern to stdout. If pattern is not supplied, it defaults to * which matches the names of all ring buffers. Note that if you use patterns with wildcards you should quote the pattern to suppress the command shell's attempts to do file name expansions. Note that a ring buffer is active if it has attached clients.

If the --host option is supplied, its value is the name of the system whose ring buffers are inquired. This defaults to localhost.

The ring buffer status is listed in tabular form. Here is some sample output:

Example 1. Sample output from ringbuffer status

|Name  |data-size(k)|free(k)|max_consumers|producer|maxget(k)|minget(k)|client|clientdata(k)|
|timing|8195        |6147   |100          |22311   |2048     |2048     |-     |-            |
|-     |-           |-      |-            |-       |-        |-        |22281 |2048         |
|-     |-           |-      |-            |-       |-        |-        |22297 |2048         |


The Name column gives the name of a ring buffer. The remaining line provides information about the ring buffer and any consumer it may have. Subsequent lines provide information about consumers.

Information provided about the ring buffer includes data-size(k) the size of the data area in kilobytes. free the number of kilobytes the producer can put without blocking. max_consumers the maximum number of consumers that can connect to the ring. producer the PID of the producer process, which is -1 if there is no producer. maxget(K) the amount of data available for the consumer that is furthest behind in consuming data in kilobytes. minget the amount of data avilable to the consumer that is most caught up in kilobytes.

Subsequent lines of the table provide the process id of a client and the numuber of kilobytes of un-consumed data for the client (clientdata(k)) in kilobytes.

ringbuffer list ?--host=hostname?

Lists the names of the active ringbuffers one per line to stdout. By default the ring buffers active in localhost are listed. Using the --host option allows you to specify a different host. Active ring buffers are only those that have clients attached.