sbscaenupgrader ConfFile PCI_OPTLINK config-options device-options
sbscaenupgrader -KeyInfo PCI_OPTLINK device-options
sbscaenupgrader -License PCI_OPTLINK device-options license-options
sbscaenupgrader -Key key-value PCI_OPTLINK device-options
The CAEN firmware maintenance command line utility has four invocation forms shown in SYNOPSIS above. These respectively.
Load firmware configurations into the flash memory that programs the FPGA on power up.
Retrieves the per board key information required for CAEN to generate a license
Remove a license key from the board
License a board to use firmware
Note that some firmware require licenses or else they will operate in demo mode and go catatonic after 30minutes.
Command line options come in three categories:
Configuration options describe actions to take with respect to the firmware configuration file.
Device options describe the device being manipulated.
License options describe the operation to be performed on the license key in a board.
Loads the firmware into the backup image location. Avoid doing this. The backup image is intended to rescue you if you load firmware that leaves the board unusable.
key-valueProvides a license key for the firmware that is being loaded. Some of CAEN's firmware will only run in demo mode (30minutes) unless a license key is purchased and loaded.
Only load the firmware don't verify the firmware image after load.
Don't load the firmware only verify that the contents of the firmware file match those in the flash memory.
filenameSpecifies the paramete file for the device being manipulated. If not specified, this defaults to cvUpgrade_params.txt. Parameter files for many common CAEN modules are also distributed in the etc/caenfw diretory of the NSCLDAQ installation.
crate-numThe SBS crate number in which the device lives.
address32The 32 bit base address of the board being manipulated. This is an 8 digit hexadecimal value without the leading 0x e.g. 32100000 NOT 0x32100000.
These examples are lightly modified from the CAEN README for their application. Major differences are only how the link is specified.
sbscaenupgrader -KeyInfo PCI_OPTLINK -link 0 -VMEbaseaddress 3210000 \ -param /usr/opt/daq/11.0/etc/caenfw/CVupgrade_params_Digitizers.txt
The information needed for CAEN to construct a license key is written into the file BoardInfo-MN-SN.dat where MN is the model number and SN is the serial number of the board.
sbscaenupgrader v1495vme_rev1.0.rbf PIC_OPTLINK -link 0 -key ABCDWEF1234568789 \ -VMEbaseaddress 33220000 \ -param /usr/opt/daq/11.0/ec/caenfw/CVupgrade_params_V1495_VME.txt
The license key value ABCDWEF123456789
is obtained from CAEN after providing them with the key
information file gotten using the -KeyInfo
option as shown above.