

CUnixUserCheck -- Authenticate against a unix user name and password.


#include <UnixUserCheck.h>
 class CUnixUserCheck {

  CUnixUserCheck(const std::string& usernamePrompt, const std::string& passwordPrompt, Bool_t promptUser, Bool_t promptPassword);
  CUnixUserCheck(const CUnixUserCheck& rhs);


  CUnixUserCheck& operator=(const CUnixUserCheck& rhs);
  const std::string getUserPrompt();
  const std::string getPasswordPrompt();
  const Bool_t getPromptUser();
  const Bool_t getPromptPassword();
  virtual Bool_t Authenticate(CInteractor& interactor);
  void setPrompting(Bool_t fUserPrompt = kfTrue, Bool_t fPasswordPrompt = kfTrue);
  void SetUserPrompt(const std::string& rNewPrompt = std::string("Username: "));
  void SetPasswordPrompt(const std::string& rNewPrompt = std::string("Password: "));


Authenticates any user whose encrypted password can be retrieved by getpwnam. The meaning of this may differ depending on whether or not NIS is used to do authentication, and may vary from operating system to operating system.

Public member functions


Constructs a default CUnixUserCheck object. The object is construted with both username and password prompting enabled with suitable default prompt strings. You may modify these prompt strings after construction, as well as the prompting behavior. See below for more information.

CUnixUserCheck(const std::string& usernamePrompt, const std::string& passwordPrompt, Bool_t promptUser, Bool_t promptPassword);

Full bodied construction of a CUnixUserCheck object. The username and password prompts are provided by usernamePrompt and passwordPrompt respectively. While promptUser and promptPassword control which prompts are acutally emitted.

CUnixUserCheck(const CUnixUserCheck& rhs);

Copy constructor, creates a news object that is identical to rhs


Destroys the object and release any resources that were allocated by the object.

CUnixUserCheck& operator=(const CUnixUserCheck& rhs);

Assigns to the object from the rhs object.

const std::string getUserPrompt();

Returns the current value of the user name prompt string.

const std::string getPasswordPrompt();

Returns the current value of the password prompt string.

const Bool_t getPromptUser();

Returns kfTRUE if the user name prompt is enabled, and kfFALSE if the user name prompt is disabled.

const Bool_t getPromptPassword();

Returns kfTRUE if the password prompt is enabled, and kfFALSE if the username prompt is disabled.

virtual Bool_t Authenticate(CInteractor& interactor);

Authenticates the requestor using the interactor to obtain a username and password. Dependig on the state of the prompt flags, the username and password may be prompted for with prompt strings. See the constructors and the functions below for more on prompt strings.

void setPrompting(Bool_t fUserPrompt = kfTrue, Bool_t fPasswordPrompt = kfTrue);

If fUserPrompt is kfTRUE, the user name is prompted for. If kfFALSE, the username is read without prompting.

If fPasswordPrompt is kfTRUE, authentication will prompt for a password. If kfFALSE, the password will be read without prompting.

void SetUserPrompt(const std::string& rNewPrompt = std::string("Username: "));

rNewPrompt replaces the user prompt string. If username prompting is enabled, this string will be used as the prompt in future authentications.

void SetPasswordPrompt(const std::string& rNewPrompt = std::string("Password: "));

rNewPrompt replaces the current password prompt string. If password prompting is enabled, the new string will be used to prompt for passwords in future authentications.