

CCondition -- Encapsulate POSIX condition variables.


            #include <CCondition.h>
            struct CConditionAttributes {
   void  setShared();
               void  setUnshared();
               bool  isShared();
            class CConditionVariable {
             CConditionVariable(pthread_condattr_t&  attr);
             CConditionVariable(CConditionAttributes&  attr);
               void  signal();
               void  broadcast();
               bool  timedwait(CMutex&  mutex, const  struct timespec* abstime);
               bool  timedwait(pthread_mutex_t*  mutex, const  struct timespec* abstime);
               bool  timedwait(CMutex&  mutex, int milliseconds);
                bool  timedwait(pthread_mutex_t*  mutex, int  milliseconds)
          throws ;
               void  wait(CMutex&  mutex);
                void  wait(pthread_mutex_t*  mutex)
          throws ;


This class encapsulates POSIX pthread condition variables. A condition variable allows a thread to atomically wait for another thread to signal a condition. Condition variables are used in conjunction with mutexes as follows (once the mutex and condition variable are created):

  1. Thread 1 takes the mutex.

  2. Thread 1 performs one of the wait operations. The condition variable atomically releases the mutex and blocks the thread on the condition varaible.

  3. Thread 2 locks the same mutext (associated with the condition variable).

  4. Thread 2 signals to wake the next thread blocked on the condition or broadcasts to wake all blocked threads. At this time, Thread 1's condition variable block is completed and the operating system attempts to acquire the mutex which keeps thread 1 blocked.

  5. Thread 2 unlocks the mutex. At this time, Thread 1 gains the mutex lock and becomes unblocked.

  6. Thread 2 releases its mutex lock.

This class is intended to be used either with raw pthread mutexes pthread_mutex_t* and The CMutex class wrapper for pthread mutexes.



Constructs a condition variable with the default attrributes.

CConditionVariable(pthread_condattr_t& attr);

Constructs a condition variable with attributes defined by the raw pthreads condition variable attr as its attributes.

CConditionVariable(CConditionAttributes& attr);

Constructs a condition variable with attributes set by the CConditionAttrbiutes attr parameter.

void signal();

Signals the condition variable. The calling thread must have a lock on the mutex associated with the waits on the condition variable. One thread will be released from condition wait (however it will still be waiting to obtain the mutext lock).

void broadcast();

Broadcasts a condition variable. This is the same as signal except all waiting threads are released from condition wait and attempt to acquire the associated mutex.

bool timedwait(CMutex& mutex, const struct timespec* abstime);

Waits on the condition variable until either the condition variable is signalled (or broadcast), or until the absolute time specified by abstime is reached. The thread must be holding the mutex to call this.

If the condition variable was signalled before the timeout, true is returned and the thread is holding the mutex. If the wait timed out, the method returns false and the thread is not holding the mutex.

bool timedwait(pthread_mutex_t* mutex, const struct timespec* abstime);

This is the same as the previous function however the mutex parameter is a raw posix mutex rather than one wrapped in a CMutex object.

bool timedwait(CMutex& mutex, int milliseconds); bool timedwait(pthread_mutex_t* mutex, int milliseconds) throws ;

Same as above, however the timeout is specified in milliseconds from the time of the call.

void wait(CMutex& mutex); void wait(pthread_mutex_t* mutex) throws ;

Waits for the mutex without any bound on the timet the thread will block.


The behavior of pthread entities is controled by an attribute block that is passed to the methods that create them. CConditionAttributes is a struct that wraps the pthread_condattr_t attribute block for condition variables with methods that make it easy to set up the block.

void setShared();

Sets the sharing attribute to: PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED.

void setUnshared();

Sets the sharing attribute to: PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE

bool isShared();

Returns true if the sharing attribute is PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED