

CRingTextItem -- Encapsulate ring items that are lists of text strings.


#include <CRingTextItem>

  CRingTextItem(uint16_t type, std::vector<std::string> theStrings);
              CRingTextItem(uint16_t type, std::vector<std::string> theStrings, uint32_t offsetTime, time_t timestamp);
              CRingTextItem(uint16_t type, uint64_t eventTimestamp, uint32_t source, uint32_t  barrier, std::vector<std::string> theStrings, uint32_t  offsetTime, time_t  timestamp, int offsetDivisor = 1);
              CRingTextItem(const CRingItem& rhs)
          throws std::bad_cast;
              CRingTextItem(const CRingTextItem& rhs);
  virtual ~CRingTextItem();
  CRingTextItem& operator=(const CRingTextItem& rhs);
              const int operator==(const CRingTextItem& rhs);
              const int operator!=(const CRingTextItem& rhs);
              const std::vector<std::string> getStrings();
              void setTimeOffset(uint32_t offset);
              const uint32_t getTimeOffset();
              void setTimestamp(time_t stamp);
              const time_t getTimestamp();
              virtual const std::string typeName();
              virtual const std::string toString();


Text string items contain lists of null terminated documentation strings. These are stored in ring buffers in structures of the type: TextItem. These items have a type code of PACKET_TYPES or MONITORED_VARIABLES. These items are used to document the set of packets you can expect to see in a PHYSICS_EVENT and provide the value of monitored process variables respectively.

Public member functions

CRingTextItem(uint16_t type, std::vector<std::string> theStrings);

Constructs a ring text item of the type specified by type. The text strings will be filled in with the values of the individual strings in theStrings.

The run offset time will be initialized to zero, and the absolute timestamp to the construction time of the object.

CRingTextItem(uint16_t type, std::vector<std::string> theStrings, uint32_t offsetTime, time_t timestamp);

Constructs a text item in a fully specified way. In addition to type and theStrings providing the item type and the strings for the item respectively, offsetTime, and timestamp provide the run time offset and absolute timestamp values respectively.

CRingTextItem(uint16_t type, uint64_t eventTimestamp, uint32_t source, uint32_t barrier, std::vector<std::string> theStrings, uint32_t offsetTime, time_t timestamp, int offsetDivisor = 1);

Constructs a text item with a full body header. The contents of the header are determined by the values of eventTimestamp source and barrier. The offsetDivisor parameter is optional and defaults to 1. It represents the granularity of the offsetTime in seconds. To get the actual time into the run in seconds compute: (float)offsetTime/offsetDivisor.

CRingTextItem(const CRingItem& rhs) throws std::bad_cast;

Constructs a text item from a reference to an existing ring item; rhs. If the ring item is not of an appropriate type for a text item, a std::bad_cast exception is thrown.

CRingTextItem(const CRingTextItem& rhs);

Constructs a functional copy of of an existing text ring item; rhs.

CRingTextItem& operator=(const CRingTextItem& rhs);

Provides for assignment between ring text items. When done, the object that is acted on will be a functional copy of the rhs object.

const int operator==(const CRingTextItem& rhs);

Provides for comparison for functional equivalence between two ring text items. The item is compared with rhs. The comparison returns non zero if there is functioal equivalence.

const int operator!=(const CRingTextItem& rhs);

Returns the logical inverse of operator==.

const std::vector<std::string> getStrings();

Returns the strings in the string list as a vector of strings.

void setTimeOffset(uint32_t offset);

Sets the time offset at which the item was created to offset.

const uint32_t getTimeOffset();

Returns the most recently set time offset for the item.

void setTimestamp(time_t stamp);

Sets an absolute timestamp for the item.

const time_t getTimestamp();

Returns the item's absolute timestamp.

virtual const std::string typeName();

Returns a text string that describes the item type. For example if the ring item type is PACKET_TYPES the string Packet types: is returned.

virtual const std::string toString();

Returns a string that is a human readable dump of the ring item. This incluces a list of the strings in the item.


Construction from a list item can throw a std::bad_cast exception if the underlying ring item is not either a PACKET_TYPES or MONITORED_VARIABLES item.