

CFileDataSink -- Data sink to a disk file.


#include <CFileDataSink>
       CFileDataSink : public CDataSink {
  CFileDataSink(int fd);
      CFileDataSink(std::string path);
  virtual  void  putItem(const  CRingItem&  item);
        virtual   void  put(const  void* pData,  size_t nBytes);
          void  flush();



A CDataSink that writes data to a disk file.


CFileDataSink(int fd);

Constructs a file data sink using a file descriptor fd. The file descriptor is something that must have come from functions like open, dup, socket etc. Note that this implies that CFileDataSink can actually send data to anything that can be represented by a file descriptor.

If fd is not writable (e.g. was opened as O_RDONLY) an std::string exception is thrown with text indicating this fact

CFileDataSink(std::string path);

Creates a file data sink that sinks to the path in the filesystem. path must be able to be created and written to once created. If path already exists, all data are overwritten.

If the file could not be opened for write, an std::string exceptionis thrown indicating this fact.

virtual void putItem(const CRingItem& item);

Puts a ring item (item), to file. Any failure is signalled by a CErrnoException whose ReasonCode reflects the errno at the time of the failing function call.

virtual void put(const void* pData, size_t nBytes);

Writes nBytes of arbitraty data pointed to by pData to the file. Errors are signalled via CErrnoException exceptions.

void flush();

Ensures that any data buffered by the operating system is actually written to the objet identified by the sink file descriptor. flush will block until this has happened.