CTCLInterpreterObject 3


CTCLInterpreterObject --  Base class for objects that are associated with a Tcl Interpreter.


#include <CTCLInterpreterObject.h>
class CTCLInterpreterObject
  CTCLInterpreterObject ();
  CTCLInterpreterObject (CTCLInterpreter* pInterp );
  CTCLInterpreterObject (const CTCLInterpreterObject& src );

  CTCLInterpreterObject& operator=
                        (const CTCLInterpreterObject& rhs);
  int operator== (const CTCLInterpreterObject& rhs) const;

  CTCLInterpreter* getInterpreter() const;
  CTCLInterpreter* Bind (CTCLInterpreter& rBinding);
  CTCLInterpreter* Bind (CTCLInterpreter* pBinding);




CTCLInterpreterObject is a base class for any object that requires a CTCLInterpreter (Tcl interpreter) to operate. Almost all objects in the Tcl++ library are derived from this base class.



Constructor for an interpreter object that will be bound to an underlying interpreter at a later time. See the Bind functions for more information about binding interpreters. More normally, if you already have an interpreter you will construct using that interpreter.

CTCLInterpreterObject (CTCLInterpreter* pInterp)

Constructs a CTCLInterpreterObject given that pInterp is an existing interpreter encapsulated in a CTCLInterpreter.

CTCLInterpreterObject (const CTCLObject& src)

Constructs a new CTCLInterpreterObject that is an exact copy of src.

CTCLInterpreterObject& operator= (const CTCLInterpreterObjectd& rhs)

Provides a mechanism for assigning a CTCLInterpreterObject a copy of the rhs CTCLInterpreterObject. The return value is just a reference to the left hand side of the assignment. This permits operator chaining.

int operator==( const CTCLInterpreterObject& rhs)

Compares a CTCLInterpreterObject to another (rhs). If the underlying interpreters are the same, the objects are said to be equal and 1 is returned. If not, 0 is returned.

CTCLInterpreter* getInterpreter() const

Returns a pointer to the underlying CTCLInterpreter object. See the CTCLInterpreter(3) manpage for more information about the services offered by that class.

CTCLInterpreter* Bind( CTCLInterpreter& rBinding )

CTCLInterpeter* Bind( CTCLInterpreter* pBinding)

Binds the object to a new interpreter. Typically this will only be called when the object was constructed without an initial interpreter. This is because most objects really are related to some interpreter and cannot be willy-nilly rebound. The return value is a pointer to the CTCLInterpreter the object was previously bound to. This will be NULL if the object was not initially bound.


No operator!= was defined.


CTCLInterpreter, CTCLApplication, CTCLChannel, CTCLCommandPackage, CTCLFileHandler, CTCLList, CTCLObject, CTCLObjectProcessor, CTCLTimer, CTCLVariable