

CEventPacket -- Encapsulate an event segment in a documented packet.


#include <CEventPacket>
 class CEventPacket : public CEventSegment {

  CEventPacket(CEventSegment& seg, short tag, std::string name, std::string description, std::string version);

  virtual void initialize();
  virtual void clear();
  virtual void disable();
  virtual size_t read(void* pBuffer, size_t maxwords);


This class allows you to wrap an existing event segment in a documented packet without modification to the event segment.

Public member functions

CEventPacket(CEventSegment& seg, short tag, std::string name, std::string description, std::string version);

Creates the object. seg is a reference to the event segment you want to wrap in a packet. All the remaining parameters define the packet as in CDocumentedPacket(3sbsReadout)

virtual void initialize();

Invokes the initialize method of the event segment used to construct this object.

virtual void clear();

Invokes the clear method of the evnet segment used to create this object.

virtual void disable();

Invokes the event segment's disable method.

virtual size_t read(void* pBuffer, size_t maxwords);

Begins the packet, invokes the read method of the encapsulated event segment and ends the packet.


CDocumentedPacket(3sbsReadout) CEventSegment(3sbsReadout)