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Once the evt files have been converted to ROOT format with the ddasdumper, an initial starting to point to access the information and analyze the data event by event follows.
R__LOAD_LIBRARY(/usr/opt/ddas/3.3-000/lib/ void analyzer() { TFile* pFile = new TFile("runXYZ.root"); TTree* pTree; pFile->GetObject("dchan", pTree); DDASEvent* pEvent = new DDASEvent; pTree->SetBranchAddress("ddasevent", &pEvent); for (int i=0; i<pTree->GetEntries(); ++i) { // access each single event from the tree pTree->GetEntry(i); // read data event-by-event for (int i=0; i<pEvent->GetNEvents(); i++){ // get the variables ddaschannel *dchan = pEvent->GetData()[i]; int crate = dchan->GetCrateID(); int slot = dchan->GetSlotID(); int chan = dchan->GetChannelID(); float energy = dchan->GetEnergy(); float time = dchan->GetTime(); } } }