DvdBurner is a Tcl package that allows you to burn NSCL data runs to DVD. The DvdBurner package breaks the data up among as many DVD's as needed, however it requires that the data from a single run fit completely on a single DVD. The package is completey described in the dvdburner package manpage.
To use DvdBurner you must make the package known to your script. Doing this involves both making the location of the package known to the Tcl package loader and requiring the package. The following example shows how to do it assuming that you've defined the envirionment varible DAQROOT to point to the directory in which the NSCL DAQ system is installed. At the NSCL, this directory is usually /usr/opt/daq/someversion where someversion is the version of nscldaq you are using.
Example 19-1. Requesting the DvdBurner package
set libdir [file join $::env(DAQROOT) TclLibs] set auto_path [concat $libdir $auto_path] package require DvdBurner
The example prepends the path to the NSCL DAQ libraries to the
that lists the directories searched by the Tcl package loader.
Prepending ensures that if there are accidental duplicate package names,
we get the one in the NSCL DAQ software.
Typically, the only thing you'll want your script to do is burn a set of runs to DVD, partitioning the data amongst several DVDs as needed. The script below shows how to do write runs 100 through 150 to DVD:
If the second parameter to
is omitted, all runs starting with first parameter are written to DVD.
With no parameters, all runs are written to DVD:
Writes all runs to DVD.