

portAllocator -- Tcl API for the DaqPortManager daemon.


package require portAllocator

::portAllocator create name ?-hostname host? ?-port port

::name listPorts

::name allocatePort application

::name destroy


The portAllocator package provides access to the NSCL TCP/IP port management server. It can be used by TCP/IP server applications to obtain a server listen port. The package follows an object oriented model. The application creates a portAllocator object, which stands as a proxy between the application and a port manager server. Using this object the application can allocated and deallocate ports, as well as request port allocation information.

Once your application has finished interacting with a portAllocator object, it can destroy it. If the application must hold a connection to the server in order to maintain one or more allocated ports, destruction of the requesting object will not result in that connection being closed, ensuring that the port will remain allocated.


::portAllocator create name ?-hostname host? ?-port port

Creates a port allocator with the specified name. The optional -hostname option allows you to specify with which host you want the allocator to communicate. If not supplied, this defaults to localhost. The optional -port switch allows you to specify a port on which to connect. If not specified,the allocator will first attempt to read the port number from the file /var/tmp/daqportmgr/listen.port before falling back to port number 30000.

The command returns the fully qualified name of the allocator. This name can be stored in a variable for later use (see EXAMPLES).

::name listPorts

Returns a TCL formatted list that describes the ports that are currently allocated by the server. Each element of the list is a three element sublist containing in order, the allocated port, the name of the application holding the port, and the name of the user that is running the application.

::name allocatePort application

Attempts to allocate a port from the server. Note that the protocol only allows you to allocate ports from a server running on localhost. application is the name of the application under which you would like to register port ownership.

::name destroy

Destroys a portAllocator. If the portAllocator is holding open a connection to the server because the application has allocated a port, this connection will remain open.


The example below allocates a port from the localhost, and starts listening for connections.

Example 1. Allocating a service port in Tcl

package require portAllocator
set p [::portAllocator create local]
set port [$p allocatePort]
socket -server handleConnections $port

The example below requests that the host somehost.nscl.msu.edu return a list of the ports in use. The port usage is then printed at stdout:

Example 2. Listing allocated ports in Tcl

package require portAllocator
set p [::portAllocator create remote -hostname somehost.nscl.msu.edu]
set usage [$p listPorts]
foreach allocation $usage {
  set port        [lindex $allocation 0]
  set application [lindex $allocation 1]
  set user        [lindex $allocation 2]
  puts "Port $port allocated to $application run by $user"


CPortManager(3daq), CPortManagerException(3daq), DaqPortManager(1tcl)