

CExperiment -- Encapsulate the experiment.


#include <CExperiment>

  CExperiment(std::string ringName, size_t eventBufferSize = 4096);
  CEventTrigger* getEventTrigger();
              CEventTrigger* getScalerTrigger();
              void setBufferSize(size_t newSize);
              const size_t getBufferSize();
              void Start(bool resume = false);
              void Stop(bool pause = false);
              void AddEventSegment(CEventSegment* pSegment);
              void RemoveEventSegment(CEventSegment* pSegment);
              void AddScalerModule(CScaler* pModule);
              void RemoveScalerModule(CScaler* pModule);
              void EstablishTrigger(CEventTrigger* pEventTrigger);
              void setScalerTrigger(CEventTrigger* pScalerTrigger);
              void EstablishBusy(CBusy* pBusyModule);
              void ReadEvent();
              void TriggerScalerReadout();
              void DocumentPackets();
              void ScheduleRunVariableDump();
              CRingBuffer* getRing();


Most of the functionality of an experiment is encapsulated in or reachable via the CExperiment class. This has methods for configuration as well as several well defined methods that are invoked by the framework at specific points in the run-time of the system.

Public member functions

CExperiment(std::string ringName, size_t eventBufferSize = 4096);

Constructs the CExperiment object. The framework generally only has one experiment object live at a time. ringName is the name of the ring buffer into which data will bge put. This is the name of a local ring buffer.

eventBufferSize is the size of the buffer created to hold events. No event can be larger than this size. The size can be changed via a call to setBufferSize.

CEventTrigger* getEventTrigger();

Returns a pointer to the CEventTrigger object that will be used to trigger a readout of the event segment of the experiment.

CEventTrigger* getScalerTrigger();

Returns a pointer to the CEventTrigger that will be used to trigger a readout of the scaler bank in the experiment.

void setBufferSize(size_t newSize);

Sets the event buffer size to newSize 16 bit words. Ifyour experiment is taking large events that may overflow the default buffer size you may want to invoke this from your Skeleton::SetupReadout method.

const size_t getBufferSize();

Returns the current event buffer size.

void Start(bool resume = false);

Invoked by the framework to start data taking. If resume is true the run is being restarted after being paused.

void Stop(bool pause = false);

Invoked by the framework to stop data taking. If data is being suspended due to a pause, pause will be true.

void AddEventSegment(CEventSegment* pSegment);

Add an event segment to the top level event segment in the experiment. pSegment is the segment to add to the top level CCompoundEventSegment in the experiment. Note that pSegment could itself point to a CCompoundEventSegment object.

void RemoveEventSegment(CEventSegment* pSegment);

Remove an event segment from the top level event segment in the experiment. If pSegment points to an event segment in the top level CCompoundEventSegment it is removed. Otherwise this function does nothing.

void AddScalerModule(CScaler* pModule);

Adds a scaler module to the top level scaler bank in the experiement. pModule is added to the end of the collection of modules in the bank. Note that pModule might itself point to a CScalerBank object.

void RemoveScalerModule(CScaler* pModule);

Removes a scaler object from the top level scaler bank. If pModule is in the top level CScalerBank object it is removed. If not, this method does nothing.

void EstablishTrigger(CEventTrigger* pEventTrigger);

Establishes the event trigger. The trigger for the top level event segment readout is set pEventTrigger. When this CEventTrigger object's operator() returns true when polled during data taking, the event segment will be read.

void setScalerTrigger(CEventTrigger* pScalerTrigger);

Sets the scaler trigger to pScalerTrigger. During data taking this trigger's operator() is polled. When it returns true the top level scaler bank will be read.

void EstablishBusy(CBusy* pBusyModule);

Sets pBusyModule to be the object that will be used to handle the external computer busy hardware.

void ReadEvent();

Called by the trigger thread to read an event.

void TriggerScalerReadout();

Called by the trigger thread to read a scaler event.

void DocumentPackets();

Called by the framework to emit events that describe the set of CDocumentedPacket objects that are currently instantiated.

void ScheduleRunVariableDump();

Called by the framework to create events that describe the values of run and statevariables.