package require EvbOrderer
EVB::outputStats get | clear
EVB::onDataLate ?newScript?
EVB::barrierTrace sub-command ?script?
EVB::source ?socket id1...?
EVB::deadsource id
EVB::reviveSocket socket
EVB::config set name value
EVB::config get name
This package supplies the commands that influence the behavior of the compiled fragment handling code. Several of the commands in this package are not generally intended for application use. These will be pointed out. Other commands are available to allow the user to tailor the event builder monitor displays they might want to create.
For the comprehensive description of the commands supplied by this package see COMMANDS below.
Returns information about input queue statistics. The data are returned as a list. The elements of the list are in order:
The oldest timestamp of all the in-flight fragments the input queues.
The newest timestamp of all the in-flight fragments in the input queues.
The total number of in-flight fragments over all input queues.
A list of elements for each source queue. Each element of this list is itself a sublist that contains in order, the source id, the number of fragments in the queue (depth) and the oldest fragment in the queue.
EVB::outputStats get | clear
The operation of this command depends on its subcommand. If the first command word after the command is clear the output queue counters held by the compiled code are all cleared.
If the second word of this command is get The command returns statistics about the fragments that have been removed from the input queues. Note that a fragment gets removed from an input queue because it is known how to order it into the output of the event builder.
The return value of this command is a list that contains in order:
Total number of fragments de-queued for transmission.
Statistics for each input queue. This is a list of two element sublists. The first element of each sublist is the source id. The second element is the number of fragments that have been de-queued from this input queue.
Returns statistics about the data late fragments. A fragment is considered late if dequeueing it is gauranteed to create an error in the total ordering of the output fragments. Normally fragments are only emitted after they have been either held in the queues for some minimum time or when there are fragments in all input queues. If a data source is slow sending fragments fragments may arrive with timestamps that are smaller than the fragments that have already been emitted.
A large number of data late cases implies you should change the event building window. See the config command below for a description of how to do this.
The return value of this command is a list with the following elements on it in order:
Total number of data late fragments.
Worst case data late (biggest difference between the arrival time of the late fragment and the end of the window in which it should have been emitted.
Per data source dta liate counts. This is a list of two element lists containnig the data source id and the number of late fragments it emitted. Only data sources that have been late are represented in this list (no zeroes).
Per source worst case late time differences. For each source that has exhibited at least one data late condition, this list has a two element sublist containing the source id and the worst case time difference.
EVB::onDataLate ?newScript?
This command allows you to provide a script that can be notified of a data late condition.
If newScript
is supplied,
it replaces any existing data late handler script.
If newScript
is empty
any prior script is removed and there will be no
data late script handler. If newScript
is not supplied, no change to the script is performed.
Regardless, the command returns handler script
(possibly empty) as it was prior to executing the command.
This allows you to support multiple scripts by implementing
a chaining mechanism.
When a handler script is called the following items are appended to it:
The source ide of the source that is at fault.
The timestamp of th source
The most recent timestamp seen
A binary byte array containing the fragment body. You can use binary scan to retrieve elements from this item.
EVB::barrierTrace sub-command ?script?
Allows you to establish a script that is executed when a barrier occurs. The sub-command indicates whether the trace is for complete or incomplete> barriers.
If the sub-command is complete the trace on complete barriers is queried or modified. A complete barrier is one for which all sources contribute a barrier event fragment within the timeout. It is not necessary that all barrier fragments be of the same type. If they are not, this case is called a heterogeneous barrier.
If the sub-command is incomplete the trace on incomplete barriers is queried or modified. An incomplete barrier is one or which at least one data source did not contribute a barrier fragment within the sorting time window.
In all cases, if the script is an empty string the corresponding barrier event will no longer have a script attached to it. If the script is omitted completely, the trace is not changed. All versions of the command return the selected trace script as it was prior to the command.
Complete barrier scripts have appended to them a list of pairs. Each pair contains a data source id and the barrier type for that source id. Incomplete barrier scripts have two argument appended to them. The first is the same as what is appended to complete barrier scripts (but only for the source ids that actually contributed a barrier fragment), the second is a list of the sources that were missing from the barrier event.
EVB::source ?socket id1...?
Creates new source queues associated with a socket.
This is normally not intended to be used by application
code. socket
is a file descriptor
open on a client socket. id1..
are source ids. An input queue is created for each
source id and bound to the socket. Note that
you must be very careful using
this in applications since creating sources that don't
exist can result in incomplete barriers if you are using
If the socket
are not supplied the
command returns the list of source ids..
EVB::deadsource id
Marks the event source id
as dead.
A dead source is not expected to participate in any
barrier events. A dead source will become alive again
if it's client contributes any data for that source.
Sources can also be resurrected if revieSocket
is called on the socket to which they are bound.
EVB::reviveSocket socket
Revies a socket. All of the event sources associated with that socket are marked alive again.
Flushes the contents of all queues to the output. This can be called when you are pretty certain there won't be any more data in the near future (e.g. the run just ended). The command causes all remaining in-flight data to be sorted and output. If you don't call this it doesn't really matter, the time window will eventually ensure the data are output.
Resets timestamps back to the initial state. This needs to be done if there's something that can cause the event sources to reset their timstamps as part of their synchronization process.
Returns the barrier statistics. The barrier statistics consist of a two element list. The first element describes complete barriers and is in turn a list containing in order:
The total number of barriers encountered
The number of homgeneous barriers
The number of heterogeneous barriers.
The number of fragments of each barrier type This is a list of pairs of barrier type and number of fragments of that type.
Statistics by event source, which is a list each item of which is a list containning in order The source id, the numbder of barrier fragments seen from this source and a list of pairs containning fragment type and number of associated fragments of that type.
The second element describes the incomplete barriers. This is a list whose elements are in order:
Number of incomplete barriers
Number of homgeneous incomplete barriers
Number of heterogenous incomplete barriers
A list of pairs containing barrier type and the number of times it occurs.
Source statistics which are a list of pairs. Each pair is a source id and the number of times it was absent from a barrier.
EVB::config set name value
Sets a configuration variable. name
determines which configuration variable will be modified
and value
provides the new value.
Currently the only supported configuration name is window which sets the time window in which fragments are accumulated before builds can occur.
EVB::config get name
Returns the value of a configuration parameter
. The
only name supported at this time is
window which returns the build time