56.7. Running VMUSBReadout

VMUSBReadout is installed as: $DAQROOT/bin/VMUSBReadout.

Several command options control the way VMUSBReadout operates:


Specifies the serial number of the VMUSB the program will use. See --enumerate below. If not provided, the first VMUSB located will be used. If you only have one VMUSB connected to your system, this is suitable.


Specifies the ring buffer in which event data will be put by the program. By default this is the same as the username you are logged in on.


Specifies the filename that contains the data acquisition configuration script. This defaults to ~/config/daqconfig.tcl


Specifies the filename that contains the slow controls configuration script. This defaults to ~/config/controlconfig.tcl. Note that this file is required even if it is just an empty file.


If specified, the value is the name or IP address on which a VM-USB server is running. The program connects to that server and runs VM-USB operations via that server. In this case, the --serialno option is silently ignored.


Specifies the port on which the slow controls server listens for connections. This default to 27000.


Requests that the software list the serial numbers of the VMUSB devices currently attached to the system and exit. Note that the serial 'numbers' are actually strings of the form VMnnnn where nnnn is a number. One of these strings can be handed to the --serialno to select the VMUSB to use.

Sample output:

/usr/opt/daq/10.1/bin/VMUSBReadout --enumerate
VM-USB scriptable readout version V5.0
[0] : VM0134


This output says the system is attached to a single VMUSB whose serial number string is VM0134