A ring buffer is a fundamental component of the system NSCLDAQ uses to pass data from one process to another. It is basically just a piece of memory that is accessible to multiple processes. Access is however controlled in such a way that only one process can contribute data to it while many processes can read from it. There is only allowed to be a single producer per ring buffer while there may be any number of consumers.
Ring buffers are local to a specific computer but are accessible over the network. Each ring buffer is identified by a user-defined name and the hostname of the computer it is located on. When processes want to attach to a ring to either produce or consume its data, they must specify the name of the ring via a universal resource identifier (URI). The URI specifies the protocol (proto://), the hostname (host), and the name of the ring (name) as a single string: proto://host/name. Ring buffers can be accessed by using either the ring:// or tcp:// protocols (they are identical). When a user attaches to a ring on another computer, a service running in the background called RingMaster sets up the connection that will stream the data across the network for you. In this way, the nework is basically transparent.
Sometimes it is useful to know what ring buffers exist. You can determine this using the ringbuffer status command. Doing so might produce the following ouput:
spdaqxx> ringbuffer status +-----+------------+-------+-------------+--------+---------+---------+------+-------------+ |Name |data-size(k)|free(k)|max_consumers|producer|maxget(k)|minget(k)|client|clientdata(k)| +-----+------------+-------+-------------+--------+---------+---------+------+-------------+ |0400x|8194 |8194 |100 |26550 |0 |0 |- |- | |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |26552 |0 | |test |8194 |8194 |100 |-1 |0 |0 |- |- | +-----+------------+-------+-------------+--------+---------+---------+------+-------------+
The leftmost column of the table specifies the name of the ring buffers on the system. Only rows with names other than "-" are actually ring buffers. Here you see there are two rings whose names are 0400x and test. The middle row that has a name entry of "-" is actually a row containing information for a client or consumer process attached to the 0400x ring buffer. The number in the client column is the pid of the consumer process. The producer column of the 0400x and test rows specify the pid of process except that it is for the producer process. You can see that the 0400x ring has a producer process with pid 26550, whereas the test ring has no producer process (pid=-1). Note also that the test ring buffer also does not have any consuming processes.
You can create a new ring buffer whose name is "myring" by typing:
spdaqxx> ringbuffer create myring spdaqxx> ringbuffer status +------+------------+-------+-------------+--------+---------+---------+------+-------------+ |Name |data-size(k)|free(k)|max_consumers|producer|maxget(k)|minget(k)|client|clientdata(k)| +------+------------+-------+-------------+--------+---------+---------+------+-------------+ |0400x |8194 |8194 |100 |26550 |0 |0 |- |- | |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |26552 |0 | |myring|8194 |8194 |100 |-1 |0 |0 |- |- | |test |8194 |8194 |100 |-1 |0 |0 |- |- | +------+------------+-------+-------------+--------+---------+---------+------+-------------+
You can clearly see that this create a brand new ring buffer on the system. Likewise, you can also delete ringbuffers. In general it is best to only delete them when there are no consuming processes. For illustration, I will delete the ring I just created.
spdaqxx> ringbuffer delete myring spdaqxx> ringbuffer status +-----+------------+-------+-------------+--------+---------+---------+------+-------------+ |Name |data-size(k)|free(k)|max_consumers|producer|maxget(k)|minget(k)|client|clientdata(k)| +-----+------------+-------+-------------+--------+---------+---------+------+-------------+ |0400x|8194 |8194 |100 |26550 |0 |0 |- |- | |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |26552 |0 | |test |8194 |8194 |100 |-1 |0 |0 |- |- | +-----+------------+-------+-------------+--------+---------+---------+------+-------------+
The only other thing that is worth mentioning is that ring buffers can be reset to an initial state. This process is called formatting the ring buffer. It is done very analogously to the creation and deletion commands.
spdaqxx> ringbuffer format myring
You may wonder why this is useful. Well, it is typically only useful if the producing process for the ring buffer exits badly. As you can see, each ring buffer keeps track of the processes that are are attached to it. Usually when one of these processes terminates, the ring buffer updates its records. However, if one of these processes exits uncleanly (e.g. segmentation fault), the ring may not properly get notified causing it to think that the now nonexistent process is still attached to it. For consumer processes, this is not the end of the world. However, if the process was a producer, the ring buffer will not allow a new producer process to attach to it. In this case, the ring buffer is just fooled and needs to be reset using the ringbuffer format.
Complete reference documentation of the ringbuffer can be found in the ringbuffer reference pages