Chapter 40. Data Format Support Software

In the user guide section on data formats, the format of all the ring items were explained in detail. These were described without any mention of how NSCLDAQ implements them in software. This section seeks to provide an overview of the existing support that is free for use by experimenters.

This chapter is divided into these sections:

Reference material is provided in in the 3daq section that describes the class library.

40.1. The basic data formats

The header DataFormat.h contains, among other things, the struct definitions that define the shapes of each item as they are passed around. These structs are given typenames via the typedef statement. The remaining discussion will use these typenames, rather than the names of the underlying structs. The contents of each structure mirror the data as described in the user guide describing the data format. For that reason, the details of the implementation are provided here.

The general structure of a ring item is:

typedef PSTRUCT _RingItem {
  RingItemHeader s_header;
  union {
    struct {
      uint32_t s_mbz;
      uint8_t  s_body[1];
    } u_noBodyHeader;
    struct {
        BodyHeader s_bodyHeader;
        uint8_t s_body[];
    } u_hasBodyHeader;
  } s_body;
} RingItem, *pRingItem;

As you can see, the RingItem is composed of a RingItemHeader first, followed by a union of structs. The union handles the fact that there may or may not be a body header present. The body header is a new addition to the data format in NSCLDAQ 11.0 and will be explained in a bit more detail later. The case in which the body header is absent causes the body to have a uint32_t followed immediately by the body data. Alternatively, the body begins with at BodyHeader which is followed by the body data. This is common for all ring items. The s_body element refers to the remaining data that is lives in the body and that may or may not have a defined format. To representation the different body formats, there are different structs defined that are all variations of this theme. In the end, these are being treated as data entities without methods of their own.

The header of each item type is of type RingItemHeader for convenience, the type pRingItemHeader is defined to be a pointer to a RingItemHeader. This is a common pattern in the DataFormat.h header.

The header has the following fields:

uint32_t s_size

Contains the size of the item in bytes. s_size should include the size of the header as well

uint32_t s_type

Contains a value that uniquely defines the type of datain the item. While this is a 32 bit field, the actual type values a 16 bits wide, with the remaining 16 bit set to zero. This allows consumer software to detect byte order differences between systems that generate the data and consumer systems.

The NSCL DAQ reserves types 1 through 32767 for itself. Type 0 is illegal, as it's byte order is indeterminate. Types 37678 through 65535 are available for user applications. The constant FIRST_USER_ITEM_CODE provides the symbolic value for the first item code available for user applications.

The supported NSCLDAQ data item codes are defined in the DataFormat.h header. They are also defined i

The body header includes a timestamp, event source and barrier information either emitted by or intended for the event building pipeline. This header is either a uint32_t containing zero, which indicates there is no header, or a structure of the following type:

typedef struct _BodyHeader {
  uint32_t   s_size;		/* 0 or sizeof(DataSourceHeader) */
  uint64_t   s_timestamp;
  uint32_t   s_sourceId;
  uint32_t   s_barrier;   
} BodyHeader, *pBodyHeader;

The fields of this structure are as follows:


The size of the header. This value includes the s_size field. Thus you can also think of items that don't have a body header as having a header size of zero. We promise to maintain backwards compatility by adding any new elements to the end of the body header. Thus you can use s_size to determine where the body header ends and the structure fields will not move from version to version.


The value of the event/globally synchronized timestamp at the time this ring item was initially formed.


Unique identifier of the source of this ring item.


If the item was part of a barrier synchronization amongst the data sources, this field will be non-zero and represent the type of the barrier. If zero, this item was not part of a barrier.

To generate the various ring items, the DataFormat.h provides a series of functions.

pScalerItem formatNonIncrTSScalerItem( unsigned scalerCount , time_t timestamp , uint32_t btime , uint32_t etime , uint64_t eventTimestamp , void* pCounters , uint32_t timebaseDivisor );

pDataFormatformatDataFormat (void);

pGlomParameters formatGlomParameters ( uint64_t coincidenceWindow , intisBuilding , inttimestampPolicy );

pEventBuilderFragment formatEVBFragment ( uint64_t timestamp , uint32_t sourceId , uint32_t barrier , uint32_t payloadSize , const void* pPayload );

pEventBuilderFragment formatEVBFragmentUnknown ( uint64_t timestamp , uint32_t sourceId , uint32_t barrier , uint32_t payloadSize , const void* pPayload );

pPhysicsEventItem formatTimestampedEventItem ( uint64_t timestamp , uint32_t sourceId , uint32_t barrier , uint32_t payloadSize , const void* pPayload );

pPhysicsEventCountItem formatTimestampedTriggerCountItem ( uint64_t timestamp , uint32_t sourceId , uint32_t barrier , uint32_t runTime , uint32_t offsetDivisor , time_t stamp , uint64_t triggerCount );

pScalerItem formatTimestampedScalerItem ( uint64_ttimestamp , uint32_t sourceId , uint32_t barrier , int isIncremental , uint32_t timeIntervalDivisor , uint32_t timeofday , uint32_t btime , uint32_t etime , uint32_t nScalers , void* pCounters );

pTextItem formatTimestampedTextItem ( uint64_t timestamp , uint32_t sourceId , uint32_t barrier , unsigned nStrings , time_t stamp , uint32_t runTime , const char**pStrings , int type , uint32_t timeIntervalDivisor );

pStateChangeItem formatTimestampedStateChange ( uint64_t timestamp , uint32_t sourceId , uint32_t barrier , time_t stamp , uint32_t offset , uint32_t runNumber , uint32_t offsetDivisor , const char* pTitle , int type );

void* bodyPointer ( pRingItem pItem );

These item types break down in to four distinct categories of item which will be described in the remaining subsections of this section.

40.1.1. State Change Items

State change items are those with types BEGIN_RUN, END_RUN, PAUSE_RUN, and RESUME_RUN. As the type names imply, these signal state transitions in data taking.

State change items have the type StateChangeItem. This item has the following fields:

uint32_t s_runNumber

Is the number of the run for which this state transition is being documented. Typically, run numbers are unique, for recorded runs, as the run number is encoded into the name of the run's event file.

uint32_t s_timeOffset

Is the number of seconds the run has been active prior to this state transition. Clearly if the type of the item is BEGIN_RUN this will be zero. For the NSCLDAQ frameworks, the time offset only counts seconds during which the run was active (time during which the run was paused are not counted).

uint32_t s_Timestamp

Is the absolute time at which the transition occured. This is represented in seconds since the Unix epoch of 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970. Once translated into the host's byte order, it can be passed to any of the time formatting functions (e.g. asctime).

char s_title[TITLE_MAXSIZE+1]

Holds the run title. Run titles are restricted in size to TITLE_MAXSIZE characters, with the +1 to accomodate the trailing '\0'. TITLE_MAXSIZE is also defined in DataFormat.h.

All item types have a field s_header of type RingItemHeader that holds the item header.

40.1.2. Text List Items

Text list items contain a list of null terminated strings. They are usually used to provide metadata for the run. At present, two types of text list items are defined. PACKET_TYPES and MONITORED_VARIABLES.

PACKET_TYPES document the packets you might expect to find in a run's PHYSICS_EVENT items. Creating instances of the CDocumentedPacket object automatically generates these. Each packet is documented with a single string. The string consists of five colon separated fields. These fields contain, in order:

  1. The Name the packet.

  2. The id of the packet given as a hex string e.g. "0x1234"

  3. A desription of the packet.

  4. A version string for the packet. Presumably this will change if the packet with this type ever changes 'shape'>

  5. The date and time at which the CDocumentedPacket object creating this entry was created.

MONITORED_VARIABLES items contains a snapshot of the values of process variables that have been declared by the readout software. Each variable takes up one string and is formatted like a Tcl set command that, if executed, would define that variable to the value it had when the item was created.

String list items have type TextItem. This item has the following fields:

uint32_t s_timeOffset

The number of seconds of data taking that have gone on in this run prior to the generation of this item. This time offset does not count time in the paused state.


Is the absolute time at which the item was created. This is represented in seconds since the Unix epoch of 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970. Once translated into the host's byte order, it can be passed to any of the time formatting functions (e.g. asctime).

uint32_t s_stringCount

Number of strings in the item.

char s_strings[]

An array of characters large enough to hold all the strings. Each string is a null terminated set of characters immediately followed by the next string.

40.1.3. Scaler Items

NSCLDAQ readout frameworks support periodically reading scaler data. These data are represented as ScalerItem items in ring buffers. These items have the following fields:

uint32_t s_intervalStartTime

The number of seconds of active data taking prior the start of the time period represented by the counts in this scaler item.

uint32_t s_intervalEndTime

The number of seconds of active data taking prior to the end of the time period represented by the counts in this scaler item.

uint32_t s_timestamp

Is the absolute time of the end of the scaler counting period. This is represented in seconds since the Unix epoch of 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970. Once translated into the host's byte order, it can be passed to any of the time formatting functions (e.g. asctime).

uint32_t s_scalerCount

The number of scalers in the item.

uint32_t s_scalers[]

The array of scaler counts. This contains s_scalerCount elements.

40.1.4. Event Data Items

These items are of type PHYSICS_EVENT. The contain the data read from the hardware. Depending on the readout framework, this can be the response to one trigger or to a block of triggers. It is up to the analysis software to know which is which.

This item is of type PhysicsEventItem and contains the field uint16_t s_body that is the data from the event.

40.1.5. Event count items

These items are of type PhysicsEventCountItem. uint32_t s_timeOffset is the number of seconds into the active run the event occured. uint32_t s_timesamp is the absolute timestamp indicating when this item was created. uint64_t s_eventCount is the total number of events that have been contributed to this ring for this run.