

Introduction -- Data source providers


package provide providerName_Provider version-string

namespace eval providerName {...}

proc ::providerName::parameters {} {...}

proc ::providerName::start params {...}

proc ::providerName::check sourceId {...}

proc ::providerName::stop sourceId {...}

proc ::providerName::begin {sourceId runNumber title} {...}

proc ::providerName::pause sourceId {...}

proc ::providerName::resume sourceId {...}

proc ::providerName::end sourceId {...}

proc ::providerName::init sourceId {...}

proc ::providerName::capabilities {} {...}


Data source providers are Tcl loadable packages that provide code that understands how to maniuplate a specific type of data source. NSCLDAQ comes with two pre-built data source providers; SSHPipe which understands how to run command line readout programs on the end of a SSH pipeline to a (possibily) remote system, and s800 which knows how to connect to and send appropriate commands to the S800 data acquisition readout program.

If a Source provider supplies the code for a type of data source, a specific data source is identified by a sourceId this is assigned by the code that creates data sources. In general while it's a good idea to define data source ids that are unique across all data source providers (that's what the ReadoutGUI data source manager does), it is only required that source ids be unique within a specific provider.

This section of man pages provides:


Data source providers are Tcl packages with names that end in _Provider for example, the SSHPipe provider is a package named SSHPipe_Provider. The section of the package name before the trailing _Provider is called the provider name.

Data source providers are expected to define a specific set of named procedures in a namespace that matches their provider name. Thus the SSHPipe provider defines procs in the ::SSHPipe:: namespace. These procs need not be exported from the namespace.

The code fragment below shows a simplified version of how the package and namespace are defined and a definition for the parameters proc is made within that namespace

package provide MyDataSource_Provider 1.0 

namespace eval ::MyDataSource {}

proc ::MyDataSource::parameters {} {
  # Actual implementation omitted
  #  ...

While only the API functions described in this manpage need to be in the provider's namespace, it is good programming practice to put any utility functions either in that namespace or in some other namespace that is specific to the data source provider (e.g. providerName_private). This minimizes the chances that your definitions will re-define some previously defined proc in the global namespace.

For information on Tcl namespaces, see the documentation for the Tcl namespace command.


This section provides a brief overview of each API function a data provider must implement along with a pointer to the detailed documentation for that function. In the documentation below, the namespace for the API function is omitted for the sake of brevity.


Each data source a data source provider starts may require some parameterization. For example, the S800 provider needs to know the host on which the S800 readout program is running along with the TCP/IP port on which that program is listening for command connections. parameters returns information about the parameterization of the provider. The information returned is sufficient for calling code to produce a very simple prompter for those parameters.

start params

The start command of a data source provider start a data source given a specific parameterization. The start describes this command.

check sourceId

Whatever code is managing a set of data providers needs to know when one of the active sources has exited. check returns a true value if a source is still running and false if not.

stop sourceId

stop Stops the specified data source.

begin sourceId runNumber title

Starts data taking for a new run. See begin for reference information.

pause sourceId

If your data source implements pause/resume functionality you must define this command to pause the run. See the pause reference material for more information.

resume sourceId

If your data source implements pause/resume functionality you must implement resume to resume paused runs.

end sourceId

The end ends a run in a data source.

init sourceId

The init causes an initialize procedure in the data source.


Describes the data capabilities source capabilities.