As was mentioned in the previous section, there are a number of different ring item types that identify the data encapsulated by the items with specific event records. There are althogether 12 predefined ring item types. If these do not satisfy the needs of an experimenter, user's can also implement their own type. The predefined types will suit most needs and I have yet to come across a situation that demanded a new type. The 12 predefined type are as follows:
Table 3-5. Ring Item Types
Name | Value |
END_RUN | 2 |
In more detail, the meanings of each of these ring items is described below.
The item describes the beginning of a data taking run.
The item descdribes the end of a data taking run.
The item describes a temporary pause in data taking. This item must
be followed immediately by either a RESUME_RUN
item, or an END_RUN
This item describes the resumption of data taking after a temporary
pause. Barring user defined types that may follow a
, this item will always follow a
NSCL DAQ readout frameworks can package chunks of a physics event into packets. Packets have essentially the same format as ring buffer items. The frameworks also support documenting the packet types that can occur in a data taking run. This item supplies that documentation to interested consumers.
Some readout frameworks support the creation of variables that can monitor external conditions such as EPICS channels. This item contains information about the latest state of a monitored variable.
NSCL DAQ readout frameworks support the periodic readout of
counters. These counters are called scalers
by the experimental community and are used to monitor the rates of
trigger components, detector systems, or system live-time. Data
from these are put in INCREMENTAL_SCALERS
Describes the format level of the ring item. This is described in terms of the earliest NSCLDAQ major and minor versions that can transparently handle this data. Readout frameworks output this item at the beginning of each run, prior to the begin run item.
The purpose of NSCL DAQ readout frameworks, is to respond to event
triggers and read out digitizer hardware that has captured the data
from a nucleus-nucleus collision. These data are placed in
Periodically emitted to tell clients how many
items have been inserted in the
ring. This is can be used to determine sampling efficiency for
analysis consumers, as well as to compute event rates.
An event fragment from the ordering phase of the event builder. Fragments of this type are believed to contain ring items as their payloads.
however it's pretty certain
the payload of these items are not ring items.
Emitted by the glom component of the event builder to describe the parameters it has been started with.
One of these ring items is emitted one as glom is started.
These item types break down in to four distinct categories of item which will be described in the remaining subsections of this section.
State change items are those with types BEGIN_RUN
, and
. As the type names imply, these signal
state transitions in data taking.
State change items have the type
. This item has the following
Table 3-6. Predefined State Change Body Layout
Description | Size (bytes) |
Run number | 4 |
Time offset | 4 |
Timestamp (Unix) | 4 |
Offset divisor | 4 |
Title | 80 |
The meaning of each element is described below:
Is the number of the run for which this state transition is being documented. Typically, run numbers are unique, for recorded runs, as the run number is encoded into the name of the run's event file.
Is the number of seconds the run has been active prior to this
state transition. Clearly if the type of the item is
this will be zero. For the NSCLDAQ
frameworks, the time offset only counts seconds during which the
run was active (time during which the run was paused are not
Is the absolute time at which the transition occured. This is
represented in seconds since the Unix epoch of 00:00:00
UTC, January 1, 1970. Once translated into the host's
byte order, it can be passed to any of the time formatting
functions (e.g. asctime
This is used for fractional timing.
Holds the run title. Run titles are restricted in size to 80 ASCII characters.
Text items contain a list of null-terminated strings. They are
usually used to provide metadata for the run. At present, two types of
text list items are defined. PACKET_TYPES
String list items fall into the category of text items. The predefined body structure of these types of items is as follows:
Table 3-7. Predefined Text Item Body Layout
Description | Size (bytes) |
Time offset | 4 |
Timestamp (Unix) | 4 |
String count | 4 |
Offset divisor | 4 |
Null-terminated strings | >=0 |
These each are explained in more detail:
The number of seconds of data taking that have gone on in this run prior to the generation of this item. This time offset does not count time in the paused state.
Is the absolute time at which the item was created. This is
represented in seconds since the Unix epoch of 00:00:00
UTC, January 1, 1970. Once translated into the host's
byte order, it can be passed to any of the time formatting
functions (e.g. asctime
Number of null-terminated strings in the item.
An array of characters large enough to hold all the strings. Each string is a null-terminated set of characters immediately followed by the next string.
The actual null-terminated strings may also have a predefined structure.
Ring items of type PACKET_TYPES
document the packets
you might expect to find in a run's PHYSICS_EVENT
items. Creating instances of the
object automatically generates
these. Each packet is documented with a single string. The string
consists of five colon separated fields. These fields contain, in
The Name the packet.
The id of the packet given as a hex string e.g. "0x1234"
A desription of the packet.
A version string for the packet. Presumably this will change if the packet with this type ever changes 'shape'.
The date and time at which the
creating this entry was created.
On the other hand, ring items of type
contain a snapshot of the values
of process variables that have been declared by the readout software.
Each variable takes up one string and is formatted like a Tcl
set command that, if executed, would define that
variable to the value it had when the item was created.
NSCLDAQ readout frameworks support the periodic reading of scaler data. These data are encapsulated as ring items of type PERIODIC_SCALERS. The body of these items have the following predefined memory layout:
Table 3-8. Predefined Scaler Item Body Layout
Description | Size (bytes) |
Interval start offset | 4 |
Interval end offset | 4 |
Timestamp (Unix) | 4 |
Interval divisor | 4 |
Scaler count | 4 |
Incremental? | 4 |
Scaler values | >=0 |
The details of each entry are explained next.
The number of seconds of active data taking prior the start of the time period represented by the counts in this scaler item.
The number of seconds of active data taking prior to the end of the time period represented by the counts in this scaler item.
Is the absolute time of the end of the scaler counting period.
This is represented in seconds since the Unix epoch of
00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970. Once translated
into the host's byte order, it can be passed to any of the time
formatting functions (e.g. asctime
The number of scalers in the item.
A boolean value labeling the scaler data as having been cleared after reading. Scalers that are cleared after each read are incremental whereas scalers that are only read without clearing are non-incremental.
The array of scaler counts. Each scaler value is treated as a 32-bit integer.
These items are of type PHYSICS_EVENT
. They contain
the data read from the hardware. Depending on the readout framework,
this can be the response to one trigger or to a block of triggers. It is
up to the analysis software to know which is which.
There is no predefined structure to the body of this type of ring item, though some of the NSCLDAQ provided programs produce a define format. The various formats are described in the remainder of this section.
The first 16-bit word of the body in these is the event header as produced by the xx-USB device. The least significant 12-bits of this word defines the number of 16-bits words to follow in the body. The remainder of of the body consists of the raw data format produced by the executed event stack.
The first 32-bit word of the body produced by the SBS Readout Framework is an inclusive count of the 16-bit words in the body. The remainder of the body has the structure defined by the user's event segment code. If the user had more than one event segment, the resulting data from each segment will be present in the order the segments were registered in the source code.
The body of PHYSICS_EVENT item produced by the event builder begins with a 32-bit integer that specifies the total number of bytes in the body. The number is inclusive and includes itself. The remainder of the body consists of at least one fragment and will contain as many as correlated together. Each fragment specifies its total size in bytes so that the user can determine how many fragment are present merely by traversing the body and keeping tabs on how many bytes have been traversed.
These items are of type PHYSICS_EVENT_COUNT and contain statistics concerning how many ring items of type PHYSICS_EVENT have been produced. They are useful for programs that sample the data stream and need to know where they are in the stream.
These have a predefined body layout:
Table 3-9. Predefined Physics Event Count Body Layout
Description | Size (bytes) |
Time offset | 4 |
Offset divisor | 4 |
Timestamp (Unix) | 4 |
Event count | 8 |
In more detail, these elements are:
The number of seconds int the active run when the ring item was created.
Number intended to deal with the case that the time offset is not an integer.
Is the absolute time of the end of the scaler counting period.
This is represented in seconds since the Unix epoch of
00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970. Once translated
into the host's byte order, it can be passed to any of the time
formatting functions (e.g. asctime
Total number of event that have been contributed to this ring for this run.
Data format items always provide two pieces of information. The major version and the minor version of NSCLDAQ that was used to produce the data in the stream. This is intended to label the format of the data and is the very first ring item produced by any Readout program. It is useful to understand that the data format item will NEVER have a body header. The predefined body layout is:
Event builder fragments are ring items of type EVB_FRAGMENT and EVB_UNKNOWN_PAYLOAD. The structure of these is identical and the differences are only semantic. It is important not to confuse these with the fragments that stuff the body of event built physics items. Those fragments are not ring items. You can consider these the equivalent entities promoted to ring item status. In fact, the same basic information is present between the two. The information that lives in the fragment header (timestamp, source id, and barrier type) is found in the body header. The body header is mandatory in these and must always be present. Furthermore, the body of a these ring items is left undefined. In this way, the format is the same as a PHYSICS_EVENT item except that the body header is mandatory. The body of an EVB_FRAGMENT is expected to be a complete ring item, whereas, the body of an EVB_UNKNOWN_PAYLOAD is completely undefined.
The event builder in 11.0 produces a data item that indicates to the user what sort of operating parameters it was using. Those data items have a type of EVB_GLOM_INFO. They are useful for understanding the built event data independently from a note jotted into a logbook somewhere (or not jotted down anywhere). There is NEVER a body header on these as they are purely informational and have no association with a physical event. The predefined body layout is as follows:
Table 3-11. Predefined Glom Information Body Layout
Description | Size (bytes) |
Coincident ticks | 8 |
Is Building? | 2 |
Timestamp policy | 2 |
The elements in this are explained in more detail:
Specifies the correlation parameter in units of clock ticks. Note that this provides no information about what the true time this corresponds to is. That information is left to the experimenter.
A boolean value that indicates whether the event builder's correlation stage (a.k.a. glom) is output correlated data.
It is possible that multiple stages of event building will occur during an experiment. In that scenario, the built data from one event builder will be correlated to other data. The built data must therefore be labeled with a timestamp of its own. The policy determines whether the event timestamp is labeled with the earliest, average, or latest timestamp of the fragments in that correlated together.