10.8. The full SpecTcl program.

This section gives full listings for the event processor headers and implementations. We also provide a full listing of the SpecTclRC.tcl and spectra.tcl script we wrote to define raw parameter spectra.

We don't providea full listing of the modified MySpecTclApp.cpp file. You can find that in the .zip archive for this setup, however.

Example 10-25. RawUnpacker.h

#include <config.h>
#include <EventProcessor.h>

class CTreeParameterArray;

class CRawUnpacker : public CEventProcessor
  virtual ~CRawUnpacker();
  virtual Bool_t operator()(const Address_t pEvent,
                            CEvent&         rEvent,
                            CAnalyzer&      rAnalyzer,
                            CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);
  CTreeParameterArray& m_times;



Example 10-26. RawUnpacker.cpp

#include "RawUnpacker.h"
#include <TreeParameter.h>
#include <TranslatorPointer.h>
#include <BufferDecoder.h>
#include <TCLAnalyzer.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include <stdint.h>

static const uint32_t TYPE_MASK (0x07000000);
static const uint32_t TYPE_HDR  (0x02000000);
static const uint32_t TYPE_DATA (0x00000000);
static const uint32_t TYPE_TRAIL(0x04000000);

static const unsigned HDR_COUNT_SHIFT(8);
static const uint32_t HDR_COUNT_MASK (0x00003f00);
static const unsigned GEO_SHIFT(27);
static const uint32_t GEO_MASK(0xf8000000);

static const unsigned DATA_CHANSHIFT(16);
static const uint32_t DATA_CHANMASK(0x001f0000);
static const uint32_t DATA_CONVMASK(0x00000fff);

static inline uint32_t getLong(TranslatorPointer<uint16_t>& p)
  uint32_t l = *p++ << 16;
  l         |= *p++;

  return l;

CRawUnpacker::CRawUnpacker() :
  m_times(*(new CTreeParameterArray("t", 4096, 0.0, 4095.0, "channels", 32, 0)))

  delete &m_times;

Bool_t CRawUnpacker::operator()(const Address_t pEvent,
                                CEvent& rEvent,
                                CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer,
                                CBufferDecoder& rDecoder)
  TranslatorPointer<uint16_t>p(*rDecoder.getBufferTranslator(), pEvent);
  CTclAnalyzer& a(dynamic_cast<CTclAnalyzer&>(rAnalyzer));

  TranslatorPointer<uint32_t> p32 = p;
  uint32_t  size = *p32++;
  p = p32;

  uint32_t header = getLong(p);
  assert((header & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_HDR);
  assert(((header & GEO_MASK) >> GEO_SHIFT) == 0xa);
  int nchans = (header & HDR_COUNT_MASK) >> HDR_COUNT_SHIFT;

  for (int i =0; i < nchans; i++) {
    uint32_t datum = getLong(p);
    assert((datum & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_DATA);
    int channel = (datum & DATA_CHANMASK) >> DATA_CHANSHIFT;
    uint16_t conversion = datum & DATA_CONVMASK;

    m_times[channel] = conversion;


  uint32_t trailer = getLong(p);
  assert((trailer & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_TRAIL);

  return kfTRUE;


Example 10-27. spectra.tcl

for {set i 0} {$i < 32} {incr i} {
    set name [format t.%02d $i]
    spectrum $name 1 $name {{0 4095 4096}}

Example 10-28. SpecTclRC.tcl

lappend auto_path $SpecTclHome/TclLibs
package require splash
package require img::jpeg

set splash [splash::new -text 1 -imgfile $splashImage -progress 6 -hidemain 0]
splash::progress $splash {Loading button bar} 0

puts -nonewline "Loading SpecTcl gui..."
source $SpecTclHome/Script/gui.tcl
puts  "Done."

splash::progress $splash {Loading state I/O scripts} 1

puts -nonewline "Loading state I/O scripts..."
source $SpecTclHome/Script/fileall.tcl
puts "Done."

splash::progress $splash {Loading formatted listing scripts} 1

puts -nonewline "Loading formatted listing scripts..."
source $SpecTclHome/Script/listall.tcl
puts "Done."

splash::progress $splash {Loading gate copy scripts} 1

puts -nonewline "Loading gate copy script procs..."
source $SpecTclHome/Script/CopyGates.tcl
puts "Done."

splash::progress $splash {Loading tkcon console} 1

if {$tcl_platform(os) != "Windows NT"} {
        puts -nonewline "Loading TKCon console..."
        source $SpecTclHome/Script/tkcon.tcl
        puts "Done."

set here [file dirname [info script]]
source $here/spectra.tcl
sbind -all

splash::progress $splash {Loading SpecTcl Tree Gui} 1

puts -nonewline "Starting treeparamgui..."
source $SpecTclHome/Script/SpecTclGui.tcl
puts " Done"

splash::progress $splash {SpecTcl ready for use} 1

splash::config $splash -delay 2000


Example 10-29. Tdiff.h

#ifndef _TDIF_H
#define _TDIF_H

#include <config.h>
#include <EventProcessor.h>

class CTreeParameterArray;

class CTdiff : public CEventProcessor
  virtual ~CTdiff();

 virtual Bool_t operator()(const Address_t pEvent,
                            CEvent&         rEvent,
                            CAnalyzer&      rAnalyzer,
                            CBufferDecoder& rDecoder);
 CTreeParameterArray& m_times;
 CTreeParameterArray* m_diffs[32];



Example 10-30. Tdiff.cpp

#include "Tdiff.h"
#include <TreeParameter.h>
#include <BufferDecoder.h>
#include <TCLAnalyzer.h>
#include <stdio.h>

CTdiff::CTdiff() :
  m_times(*(new CTreeParameterArray("t", 8192, -4095, 4095, "channels", 32, 0)))
  char baseName[100];
  for (int i =0; i < 32; i++) {
    sprintf(baseName, "tdiff.%02d", i);
    m_diffs[i] =
      new  CTreeParameterArray(baseName, 8192, -4095, 4095, "channels", 32, 0);

  for (int i =0; i < 32; i++) {
    delete m_diffs[i];

Bool_t CTdiff::operator()(const Address_t pEvent,
                         CEvent& rEvent,
                         CAnalyzer& rAnalyzer,
                         CBufferDecoder& rDecoder)
  for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
    if (m_times[i].isValid()) {
      for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
        if (m_times[j].isValid()) {
          (*m_diffs[i])[j] = m_times[i] - m_times[j];

  return kfTRUE;