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apply - Gate a spectrum |
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apply GateName Spectrum1 [Spectrum2 ...] apply -list [pattern]
Applies a gate to a set of spectrum or lists the gates applied to a spectrum.
This command applies a gate as a increment condition to a set of histograms as well as allowing you to list the conditions applied to various histograms.
A spectrum is incremented only if all of the following are true:
See also:
Applies the named gate to the spectra described by the list.
For each spectrum whose name matches the pattern, describes that spectrum's increment condition. If no spectra are supplied, the gates applied on all spectra are listed. The format of the output from this command is a Tcl list. Each element of the list contains:
Note that un-gated spectra appear to have a gate named -TRUE- applied to them which is a true gate. This is normal.
Computer output is in red.
gate Gate1 c {Distribution1 Distribution2 { {128 64} {512 255} {512 64} {128 10}}} apply Gate1 spectrum1 spectrum2 spectrum3 ;#three spectra gated with Gate1 apply -list spectrum1 {spectrum1 {Gate1 15 c {{Distribution1 Distribution2} {128 64} {512 255} {512 64} {128 10} }}}
Last Modified: October 28, 2003
by: fox@nscl.msu.edu
© Copyright NSCL 1999, All rights reserved