SpecTcl-3.2 new features
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- The new fit command allows users
to produce fits of regions of interest on spectra. The fit command
comes with the capability to produce linear fits. The set of fit types
the fit command can produce is extensible. Extending the fit types
supported by the command is described in the
Guide to extending the SpecTcl fitting system
which is part of the
SpecTcl Programmer's guide.
Note that Xamine button support added this version allows you
to write software to accept fit limits graphically through Xamine.
Xamine's capability to allow the client (SpecTcl) to display
client buttons is now formally supported. This capability
allows SpecTcl application programs to create GUI elements that
are processed by Xamine and result in button messages to SpecTcl.
This allows you to create buttons that can accept point on spectra
as well as other GUI elements.
Xamine's capabilities for client butttons and how to use them in
SpecTcl code are described in
SpecTcl's interface to
Xamine Client buttons. That page is part of the
SpecTcl Programmer's guide.
Closely related to Xamine button handling is the ability to
define function objects that will be invoked if Xamine had to be
restarted. A typical use of this would be to recreate an application
specific Xamine client button box if Xamine is restarted.
This capability is described in
Writing Xamine Restart Handlers
which is part of the
SpecTcl Programmer's guide.
SpecTcl 3.2 defines two new spectrum types. These are both multiply
incremented 2-d spectra. The first, type m2 is intended to
behave much like any other 2d spectrum except that several ordered pairs of
parameters can be incremeneted. The second gd (gamma deluxe), has
increment semantics like a 2-d gamma spectrum except that the parameters of
the x and y axes can be independently specified.
The documentation of the
spectrum command describes these
spectrum types and how to create them.
A plugin to support reading and writing Radware spectra has been
added. This is described in
The Radware Spectrum I/O plugin.
This plugin uses portions of the Radware gamma ray data analysis
software written by
David Radford. This software is redistributed with SpecTcl by permission
of the author.
SpecTcl now supports dynamically loadable C++ plugins. These plugins,
and how to write them, are described in
The guide to writing SpecTcl plugin
The new variable NoPromptForNewGui can be defined in the
SpecTclInit.tcl file to inhibit asking the user if they want to try
out the new gui in the event you start the old tree parameter GUI.
In many analysis software packages a Super Event is an event
that contains subevents that should each be treated as a single event.
This is useful, for example in handling a block mode data acquisition
interface. To handle superevents, SpecTcl must be able to get the analysis
framework to advance the event pointer but not necessarily increment the
number of events analyzed in an event buffer. This is now supported
and described in
SpecTcl and Super Events
in the
SpecTcl Programmer's guide.
A Tcl splash screen package written by Emmanuel Frecon
at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science has been incorporated and
redistributed with SpecTcl under the terms of its license.
The current SpectclRC.tcl files produce a splash/progress screen that
allows the user to track SpecTcl's initialization.
SpecTcl splash screens
in the
SpecTcl Programmer's guide describes
how to generate splash screens and how to tailor the SpecTcl splash screen
Last modified: Wed Apr 4 14:01:30 EDT 2007