package require DataSourceUI
set providerChooser [ChooseProvider path]
set dsrcprompter [PromptDataSource path]
set dialog [DialogWrapper path]
set provider [DataSourceUI::getProvider provider-list]
set params [DataSourceUI::getParameters provider-name param-dict]
This package provides a set of mega-widgets and procs that support prompting for information about data sources (providers and parameterization). In addtion a generic dialog wrapper megawidget is supplied that allows you to wrap any form inside a dialog with
and optional buttons with the capability of going modal.
The ChooseProvider
megawidget along with the
DataSourceUI::getProvider proc allow you to prompt
for a data source provider. ChooseProvider
is the prompting form, and DataSourceUI::getProvider
wraps that form with a DialogWrapper
and uses
that to modally prompt for a data source provider.
The PromptDataSource
megawidget understands
how to produce a generic prompter given the parameterization
dict of a provder. DataSourceUI::getParameters
wraps PromptDataSource
in a
and modally waits for the user
to set the parameterization which is returned to the caller.
See MEGAWIDGETS for documentation about the widgets themselves. See PROCS for documentation about the commands.
This megawidget provides a scrolling list box. The
option is the list of
data source provider names that will stock the list.
if not null is a script that will
be called at the global level if an item in the list box is clicked.
The selected
method returns the text
of the list box element that is currently selected. If no item
is selected, the empty string is returned.
This megawidet provides a very generic form that prompts for
the parameterization of a data source. The
option should be set with the parameterization
dict for the data source provider. The dict is the dict
that is returned from the parameters proc of
a data source provider. The form consists of a set of lines
each line has a label widget, that displayse the long textual
desription of the parameter, and an entry the user fills in to
set that parameter's value.
The getForm
method of the
megawidget returns a
dict whose keys are short parameter names (from the data source
parameterization) and whose values are a list containing in order:
The parameter prompt string
The path to the prompting widget for ths parameter.
The contents of the entry widget.
is a helper widget that
assists in building modal dialogs. A dialog is typically
composed of two sections. The top section, the control area,
contains a form with input controls, or possibly just a message.
The bottom section, the action area, contains one or two buttons.
The first button accepts the form
values while the second button
can optionally be displayed and indicates the user wants to
dismiss the dialog without making choices.
The DialogWrapper
allows you to create an Tcl widget
(usually a frame) and establish it as the control area of a dialog.
The control area widget must be the child of an appropriate
subwidget of the dialog. That widget is returned from the
method call.
Once the control area widget hierarchy has been constructed and
interally laid out, its top level frame should be configured
to be the -form
option of the dialog. The
dialg widget itself can gen generally be managed into a toplevel
widget which displays it.
To block for user interaction with the dialog (make it modal),
invoke the modal
method. That method will
return one of:
The user clicked the Ok button.
The user clicked the Cancel button.
The user destroyed the dialog using the window manager control for that.
Note that if the return is either Ok or Cancel it is still possible to retrieve items for the form (in the case of Cancel your application might use these values to default fields in future instances of the dialog).
If the return value is Destroy the form widget tree has already been destroyed and therefore cannot be used.
The -showcancel
option is a boolean that
controls whether or not the
button is displayed.
The normal lifecycle of this widget is to
Create a toplevel widget for the dialog
Create the dialog as a child of the toplevel
Invoke the controlarea
method to get the control areay container
Create a frame under the control area
Create the control area input form and lay it out in the frame above
Configure the dialog so that it's -form
option is the frame above.
Invoke the modal
method to wait for the user to interact with the form
If modal
returned Ok
the data from the user are fetched from the controls in the
controlarea and the toplevel is destroyed. If modal
returns Cancel the toplevel is destroyed.
If modal
returned Destroy
nothing is done because this happens when the toplevel gets destroyed by
the user.
Two of the forms described in the MEGAWIDGETS section above have
associated convenience functions. These convenience functions
wrap their megawidget in a DialogWrapper
invoke modal
and return the
results of the user interaction with the dialog to the caller.
Prompts for a data source provider. providers
is a list of the providers to choose from.
If the user selected a provider its name is returned
as the value of this proc. If the user clicked
or destroyed the
dialog an empty string is returned.
provider-name parameters
Prompts for the parameterization of an instance
(data source) of a provider-name
is the
dict that defines the parameterization of the
provider's instances.
The example below shows how to use the DialogWrapper
In this case, the widgets that make up the control area are just
constructed in line. In general it makes sense to build
a megawidget for the conotrolarea using snit or itk and
provide that megawidget with methods to fetch form elements.
Example 1. Sample use of the DialogWrapper
toplevel .dialog DialogWrapper .dialog.wrapperset controlArea [.dialog.wrapper controlarea] set f [ttk::frame $controlArea.frame]
ttk::label $f.namelabel -text {What is your name} ttk::entry $ ttk::label $f.colorlabel -text {What is your favorite color} ttk::combobox $f.colors -values [list red green "red no green"]
ttk::label $f.vlabel \ -text {What is the air speed velocity of a fully laden swallow} ttk::combobox $f.v -values [list African English] grid $f.namelabel $ grid $f.colorlabel $f.colors
grid $f.vlabel $f.v .dialog.wrapper configure -form $f pack .dialog.wrapper
set result [.dialog.wrapper modal]
if {$result eq "Ok"} { set name [$ get] set color [$f.color get]
set velocity [$f.v get] destroy .dialog bridgeOfDeath $name $color $velocity } elseif {$result eq "Cancel"} { destroy .dialog
is set
to f
. At that time the dialog frame
manages the control area and therefore comes to know
its size and shape. The pack command
makes the dialog visible inside the top level widget.
method blocks until
the user clicks ,
or destroys the widget
via the window manager controls.
The action peformed by the user to complete his or her
interaction with the dialog is saved in
be Ok. In that case, the values of
the input controls are pulled out of the control area
widgets before the dialogt is destroyed.
is just symbolic of
some proc that then operates on the
results of the dialog. Equally easily, this could be
embedded in a proc and the results provided to the caller.
will be Cancel.
In this case we are going to ignore the data in the form
and just destroy the dialog
will be
Destroy. In this case, since the
top level is already destroyed or well on its way to being
destroyed, we just do nothing.