

CDataSourceFactory -- Create data sources given a URI


  static CDataSource* makeSource(std::string uri, std::vector<uint16_t> sample, std::vector<uint16_t> exclude);


This factory class contains a static method to create a ring item data source given a URI.


static CDataSource* makeSource(std::string uri, std::vector<uint16_t> sample, std::vector<uint16_t> exclude);

Creates a new data source object and returns a pointer to it. The CDataSource object created is dynamically allocated and needs to be deleted by the caller.

uri describes the data source. For a live ring this should be of the form tcp://hostname/ringname For a file ring this shouild be of the form file:///path/to/the/file.

sample is a vector of ring item types. Ring data sources are free to skip items of this type depending on circumstances.

exclde is a vector of ring item types the caller does not want to get from the data source.