

CRingItemFactory -- Upcast ring items to specific ring item objects.


  static CRingItem* createRingItem(const CRingItem& item);
              static CRingItem* createRingItem(static void* pItem);
              static bool 
                (const void* pItem);


CRingItem provides a set of static methods that allow you to upcast ring items to actual underlying ring item types. In general you will validate the item type via isKnownItemType and then invoke one o f the createRingItem methods. Finally if you need to use an item specific methods, you would do a reinterpret_cast to the correct subclass of CRingItem.

See METHODS below for more information about these functions.


static CRingItem* createRingItem(const CRingItem& item);

Creates the appropriate ring item given a reference to a base class ring item. A pointer is returned to the resulting object. The object is dynamically allocated and therefore must be deleted by the caller.

static CRingItem* createRingItem(static void* pItem);

Creates the appropriet ring item given a pointer to storage that is believed to contain a RingItem struct as defined in DataFormat.h

The only difference between this and the previous method is the parameter type.

static bool isKnownItemType (const void* pItem);

If pItem points to a RingItem of a type known to the factory, this method returns true, otherwise, false

The creational methods of the factory will return a generic ring item if they don't recognize the ring type.