This chapter describes a framework for reading out events via the SBS PCI/VME bus bridge interface. This chapter describes
Basic concepts that underlie the framework
How to obtain a skeleton application which you can expand into a real application, and build it.
What parts of the skeleton application you will most likely have to modify to produce a real application.
Complete reference information is available in the 3sbsreadout part of this manual.
The SBS readout is an application framework. Application frameworks are nice because they already supply the main flow of control. Your job as an application programmer is to fill in the experiment specific pieces of the framework.
The disadvantage of an application framework is that it can be hard to figure out how to get started without a good orientation. This section aims to be that orientation. We will describe the flow of the application and the concepts you'll have to deal with.
Normally you will only need to be concerned with how the framework operates when data taking is active. When data taking is active, An independent thread loops checking a pair of triggers. These triggers are called the event trigger and tthe scaler triger. Each trigger has associated with it a set of code to execute. This code is organized hierarchically as event segments in the case of the event trigger and scaler banks in the case of the scaler trigger.
Triggers and the code that responds to them must be registered with the framework if it is to know about it. The specific triggers themselves must also be registered.
This section therefore will discuss the following objects:
Event segments.
Scaler banks
Event Segments.
An event segment is a logical unit of data acquisitition. There
are two useful base classes:
provides a primitive segment.
You extend CEventSegment
to build a class
that actually initializes, reads and clears some digitizer modules.
provides a container
for other event segments (including other
provides the
glue that allows you to build an experiment readout from logical
To use the CEventSegment
class, you create
a derived class and implement the pure virtual methods of
. You can optionally override
the virtual methods supplied by CEvenSegment
(which are implemented to do nothing) if your electronics requires this.
The virtual methods you can implement are:
()This method is called once as data taking transitions to the active state (resume or begin). It is expected to perform any one-time initialization of the hardware managed by this event segment. This includes returning the module to a known state, reading setup files and applying them to the module, enabling data taking and so on.
Clears any pending data from the module. This is called
after initialize
during startup.
It is also called after each event has been read.
You should implement this if the hardware this segment is reading
requires any post readout attention to be made ready for
the next event.
()Called as data taking is being transitioned to an inactive state (paused or ended). This is expected to do any work needed to disable dat taking in the modules managed by this segment.
void* pBuffer
size_t maxwords
Called in response to a trigger. This function is expected
to read the hardware directly into pBuffer
which has maxwords
of 16 bit words
available. On return, the actual number of 16 bit words read
should be returned.
If your Readout is participating in distributed event
building your read
must provide the event timestamp and, may optionally,
provide the source id associated with the event.
If not provided, the source id is taken from
value of othe --sourceid
line option.
The base class, CEventSegment
provides some utilities that can be useful when
reading and event segment. Refer to
the manpage
for reference material that covers the utilities
described below
One set of utilties allow event segments to prevent
the event from appearing in the data stream.
By callilng reject
all subsequent
event segments still run but the resulting event is
discarded. If you know that it is not necessary
for subsequent event segments to run (e.g. to keep
the hardware sane), you can call rejectImmediatly
That function aborts event segment processing when
the current segment returns and discards the data
read to this point.
The keep
method can be called
to reset the state of the event to prevent it from
being discarded. This can happen if either the
event segment assumes an event is bad and needs to be
convinced otherwise or if a subsequent event segment
wants to ensure that an reject
by a prior event segment is not honored.
Finally, the setTimestamp
and setSourceId
ensure the event has an event header that contains
the timestamp and source id specified to those
methods. This must be used in an environment
that employs the NSCL event builder in order to
provide events with the information needed by the
ring data source so that the timestamp and source id
can be automatically deduced.
For reference information on this class see:
Closely allied with this is the concept of packets. Packets are supported
via the CDocumentedPacket(3sbsreadout).
The CEventPacket(3sbsreadout)
class extends CEventSegment
to provide a base
class for event segments that are wrapped in a packet.
Event segments are organized by placing them in CCompoundEventSegment
objects. CCompoundEventSegment
is itself an
and therefore can contain other
compounds, which supports a hierarchical organization of the
experimental readout.
Ordinarily you will use a CCompoundEventSegment
by creating an instance of it and inserting other segments into it.
Here are the methods that allow you to manipulate the event segments
in a compound event segment.
CEventSegment* pSegment
Adds an event segment to the end of the ordered collection
of event segments in the list. Whenever a method like
is invoked on a compound event segment it will invoke the
corresponding method in the elements it contains in
the order in which they were added.
CEventSegment* pSegment
If pSegment
is contained by
the compound, it will be removed from the container.
If not this method does nothing.
()Returns an iterator which 'points' to the beginning of the collection. Refer to the description below for information about iterators.
()Returns an iterator that points just off the end of the collection. A typical usage pattern is shown below
The CCompoundEventSegment::EventSegmentIterator data typeis a pointer like object within the collection of event segments. Dereferencing it gives you a pointer to the event segmet at the current location. Increment advances the iterator to the next element of the collection.
For reference information about the CCompoundEventSegment
class see
The readout software has a single object from the
class. This object contains a top level CCompoundEventSegment
It also provides a member function AddEventSegment
allows you to add an event segment (or compound event segment) to
that top level segment.
See the section: Modifying the skeleton application to meet your needs for information about where to add event segments.
Scaler banks. The Readout program supports a second trigger that reads out scaler banks. Scaler banks usually read out a set of counters that describe the rates in various detectors subsystems and other items of interest. Scaler banks operate in a manner analagous to the event segments we have just described.
The CScaler
class is intended to read a single
scaler module. CScalerBank
is a container for
other CScaler
objects including other
objects. This pair of classes
allows you to build a modular hierarchy of scalers to read in
response to the scaler trigger. The scaler trigger is assumed
to come at a much lower rate than the event trigger and therefore can
tolerate alonger deadtime.
is an abstract base class. You use
it by extending it by supplying code for the pure virtual methods,
and overriding the other virtual methods you need to override.
The virtual methods that are fair game to be overidden are:
()Invoked once as the readout program begins taking data. This happens after a begin and after a resume. The code you supply here is supposed to prepare modules for data taking. The base class implementation does nothing
()Invoked once as data taking becomes active (begin or resume), and after the scaler is read. If something must be done to clear a scaler after it has been read write this method and put that code here. Note that many scalers have a destructive read method and that should be used by preference as it ensures that scaler counts will not be lost (those accepted between read and clear).
()Called as data taking is halted (due to an end or pause). If a module requires special handling to disable it implement this method.
Reads the scaler(s) managed by this class. The scalers are returned as an STL vector of 32 bit unsigned values.
The CScalerBank
class is a parallel to the
. It is a
that contains other
objects, including
The following methods allow you to manipulate the container
in a CScalerBank
CScaler* pScaler
Adds a scaler module to the end of the ordered container
of scaler modules that is managed by this object. The
virtual functions that make this module look like a
iterate through the
set of scaler objects in the container in the order in
which they were added and invoke the corresponding
function in those objects.
CScaler* pScaler
If the scaler pointed to by pScaler
is in the container (shallow inclusion), it is removed
from the container. Note that the object is not destroyed.
IF pScaler
is not in the collection
this function does nothing.
()Returns an iterator that 'points' to the first item in the container. Dereferencing a CScalerBank::ScalerIterator will result in a CScaler*. Incrementing the iterator will make it 'point' to the next object in the container.
()Returns an iterator that points just off the end of the collection. A typical use for this is:
For reference information see CScalerBank
As with event segments, the CExperiment
encapsulate as ScalerBank
that is the
top level of the scaler readout hierarchy.
exports methods that
allow you to add and remove scaler modules (including scaler banks)
to this top level scaler bank. See
Modifying the skeleton application to meet your needs
for iformation about how to use these.
We have seen how to build the list of stuff the readout program
will read. Triggers determine when the
top level event segment and scaler bank are read. In order to
make Readout to do anything with these you must supply appropriate
trigger objects and register them with the CExperiment
object. This registration is described in
"Modifying the skeleton application to meet your needs"
All triggers are subclasses of CEventTrigger
Several of the commonly used triggers have been defined for you. You
can also build custom triggers by extending CEventTrigger
or any of the prebuilt classes that are close to what you want.
You write a trigger class by overriding the virtual methods in
supplying code that is
appropriate to your needs. You must define and implement
which is a pure virtual
method of CEventTrigger
The virtual member functions in the CEventTrigger
class are:
()Called when data taking becomes active (begin or resume). This should perform any initialization of the trigger hardware or software.
()Called as data taking halts (end or pause). Any code required to make the trigger hardware or software insenstive to additional triggers should be supplied here.
()This is periodically called and should return true if the trigger actions should be peformed.
The following trigger classes are in the Readout library and can be used simplly by instantiatig and registering them.
Triggers using the CAEN V262 module.
Trigger that never fires.
Trigger that fires periodically
Trigger that uses the CAEN V977 module.
Busys. During the time in which Readout is responding to a trigger it is unable to accept a new trigger. During this time it is often important to veto external electronics until the system is able to accept the next trigger. This is the function of Busy objects.
Busy objects are members of classes that are derived from
which has the following pure virtual
This is called when due to software reasons the computer will be unable to accept a trigger. For example, as the run ends. It is important to note that the actual event by event busy should be generated by hardware and then only cleared by software.
Called when the software is able to accept the next trigger.
The readout framework provides
prebuilt busy classes. This, and any busy class you create must be
registered to be used. The example below shows the creation and
registration of a CV977Busy
object to
manage the busy. The physicsal module is in VME crate 0 and has a base
address of 0x00444400.
#include <CV977Busy.h> ... void Skeleton::SetupReadout(CExperiment* pExperiment) { ... pExperiment->EstablishBusy(new CV977Busy(0x444400)); ... }
There are cases where you will want to directly emit ring items from your readout segment. Imagine, for example, you have a block trigger. That is a trigger that produces several events. While you can build your trigger so that it will immediately re-trigger, it may be more efficient to emit the ring items associated with the trigger directly.
The keys to the example below are that:
The Ring buffer (CRingBuffer
to which data are emitted is held by the
object which has a method
for getting a pointer back to the ring buffer.
The CPhysicsEventItem
class allows
you to create physics event items.
is the base class
for CPhysicsEventItem
and it
has methods that allow you to fill a ring item and
submit it to a ring buffer.
The example is in two parts. The first part shows how to construct an event segment so that it has the ring buffer which it can hold as member data. The second part shows how to use that to emit an event from data taken in a buffer that is internal to your event segment.
Example 59-1. Passing the ring buffer to the construction of an Event segment.
void Skeleton::setupReadout(CExperiment* pExperiment) { CReadoutMain::SetupReadout(pExperiment); pExperiment->EstablishTrigger(new CMyTrigger());pExperiment->EstablishBusy(new CMyBusy()); CRingBuffer* pRing = pExperiment->getRing();
pExperiment->AddEventSegment(new MySegment(pExperiment, pRing));
, the triggter and
busy systems you use are created and registered. How you do
this will, of course, vary depending on what the constructors
for those classes require in your application.
Lets now look at a code fragment from the event read
method in the event segment. We are going to assume
that the event segment has read several events
into a buffer called buffer
that you have a few methods that help you to deconstruct
the buffer, specifically:
which returns the number
of events in the buffer.
which returns a pointer to
the first unprocessed event
which returns the number
of bytes in the event.
Given an event returns its timestamp.
which informs the
event unpacker that you are done with the current.
It's important to note that you don't have to do it this way. These assumptions are made just to make it easier to present the code that actually is responsible for creating ring item events.
![]() | NOTE |
When you take over creating events, and produce more than one event ring item per trigger, the trigger count items will reflect the number of triggers rather than the number of events produced. SpecTcl's event analysis fraction will therefore be incorrect. |
Example 59-2. Creating Events
... unsigned nEvents = eventCount();while(nEvents) { void* pEvent = eventPtr(); uint64_t tstamp = timestamp(pEvent);
size_t nBytes = eventSize(pEvent); CPhysicsEventItem event( timestamp, m_pExperiment->getSourceId(), 0
); void* pCursor = event.getBodyCursor();
memcpy(pCursor, pEvent, nBytes); pCursor = reinterpret_cast<void*>( reinterpret_cast<uint8_t>(pCursor) + nBytes
); event.setBodyCursor(pCursor); event.commitToRing(*m_pRing);
nEvent--; } ...
has a leading
word count. If this is not the case
then code can be added to this example that computes
and inserts that data from the nBytes
. That is then
used to obtain the event source id from that object.
of the CPhysicsEventItem
provides a pointer to the body of the ring item
(first byte following the body header). The following
call fill in the body with the
event data.
can also be used by the next section of code to know where
to put its data.
member variable. Note that commitToRing
takes a ring buffer reference, not a pointer.
![]() | NOTE |
If you build your own ring itesm, the read function should indicate that it has not read any data to its caller so that no ring item will be created by that level of the code. |