

V6533Driver -- Driver for CAEN V6533 HV modules


package require v6533Driver

set instance v6533 name ?options?

$instance methodname args..


Provides a driver that interfaces with the slow controls server of the VM-USB readout program to control CAEN V6533 VME bias supply controllers. Once created you can interact with an intance of the devices via the methods described in the METHODS section below. Connection is controlled by the OPTIONS defined below and can be dynamic.



The -socket option value must be a socket open on the control server.


The -name option value must be the name of a V6553 driver instance defined in the controlconfig.tcl file.



The HV driver periodically monitors the device so that interlock data can be gotten in real time without interrupting the run. This method returns the monitor data. The monitor data consists of a Tcl list that contains in order:

  • The most recent value of the global status register

  • A 6 element list of the most recent values of the channel status registers

  • A 6 element list of the most recent values for the actual voltages for each channel

  • A 6 element list of the most recent values of the actual current for each channel

  • A 6 element list of the most recent values of the channel temperatures.

setpoint channel value

Sets the voltage set point for the channel to value. value is what is put in channel's setpoint register. See the V6533 documentation to know what this means in terms of a voltage request.

setIlimit channel value

Sets the current limit register for channel to value.

on channel

Ramps channel to its set point. Once the setpoint is reached modifying the set point will cause the channel to ramp to the new setpoint.

off channel

Sets the channel voltage to zero. How the channel gets to zero is determined by the off mode set by setOffMode.

setTripTime channel value

Sets the time a channel can be out of specification before it trips an interlock.

setVmax channel limit

Set sets the maximum voltage limit on a channel

setRupRate channel value

Sets the channel voltage ramp up rate to value

setRdnRate channel value

Sets the channel voltage ramp down rate to value

setOffMode channel kill|ramp

Sets the manner in which a channel voltage returns to zero when turned off. kill mode rapidly removes voltage from the channel while ramp mode ramps the channel down at the ramp down rate set by setRdnRate


Returns the global maximum voltage set in the board hardware via the front panel trim pot.


Returns the global current limit set in the board hardware via its front panel trim pot.


Returns a list of 6 voltage set points for the module channels


Returns a list of 6 current limit valueas for the module channels.


Returns a list of 6 actual voltage values, one from each channel.


Returns a list of 6 actual curretn values, one from each channel.


Returnss the 6 channel status register values.


Returns the 6 trip timout values, one for each channel.


Returns the 6 voltage limits, one for each channel.


Returns a list of 6 ramp down rates, one for each channel.


Returns al ist of 6 ramp up rates, one for each channel.


Returns a list of 6 off modes, one for each channel. The possible values for each channel are ramp or kill.


Returns a list of 6 channel polarities as reflected by the front panel LEDs.


Returns the list of 6 temperatures, one per channel.


Returns the list of 6 on requests for each channel. Note that a channel may have been requested to be on, but may actually be off due to a trip.