This section provides skeletal information that should guide you in writing your own event orderer startup script. If you actually decide to take that plunge you'll want to look at the reference material in 1evb. You'll also want to look at the next section which provides a broad brush overview of the user interface elements provided with the software.
The best way to get an feel for what you need to do is to look at the standard startup script as of the time this document was written:
Example 56-1. The standard startup script explained
#!/bin/bash # Start Tclsh \exec tclsh8.5 ${0} ${@} lappend auto_path [file join /usr/opt/daq/10.2 TclLibs]
package require EventBuilder package require EVB::connectionList
package require EVB::GUI
if {$argc > 0} { EVB::Start [lindex $argv 0] } else { EVB::Start } EVB::createGui .test pack .test
EVB::maintainGUI .test
If you have the Tcl documentation installed on your system do a man tclsh and read the section SCRIPT FILES. Note that the example in that section is for the sh shell rather than bash and that acounts for the minor syntactical differences.
This is done because the event builder/event orderer software is basically a set of Tcl packages.
Provides a set of procedures in the EVB:: namespace that support setting up and controlling the event builder/orderer.
This package provides code that implements a list of the clients connected to the server component of the event orderer.
The user standard user interface components.
Enter the event loop via a vwait command. The event builder is event driven and entering the event loop ensures events a delivered to the correct components.
Load Tk directly or indirectly as that installs an event loop in the application.
The pack command makes the standard user interface visible inside its parent window (in this case the initial top level window .).
In general the part that is mutable is going to be what, if any hooks you make use of after starting the event orderer and how you handle the user interface an its maintenance. Refer to the reference section for more information about the hooks that area available and how to make use of them.