This section describes how to provide support for device drivers as Tcl modules. The first subsection will describe in general terms how to do this. The second and third subsections will show sample drivers written in the snit and Incr-Tcl object oriented extensions of Tcl along with sample fragments of DAQ configuration files that show how to use these drivers. Note that while snit and Incr-Tcl drivers are shown any Tcl object oriented extension can probably be used as could a carefully crafted set of namespace ensemble commands.
If you have not read the section on writing C++ device drivers you should at least skim it. Several of the concepts are important. Specifically:
A device support module provides a command that generates device instances.
Device instances have to provide an
method that
initializes the device according to some configuration
of the instance.
Device instances have to provide a
method that
adds elements to the list of CAMAC operations
that are executed when the stack they live in
is triggered.
All of this is a natural match to the way all of the object oriented extensions to Tcl work. Specifically you write a class like thing. Creating an instance of the class creates a new Tcl command ensemble. The public methods of the instance become sub commands of the new Tcl command.
The CCUSB framework therefore provides a
mechanism, the addtcldriver command to
add an object instance command to the set of devices that
can be added to a stack. The addtcldriver
command registers the command name as a name of a device
that can be put in a stack. The command ensemble is also
wrapped in an actual driver that invokes
, and
methods at the appropriate times.
The final piece of the puzzle is providing access to the CCUSB and CCUSBReadout list capabilities to Tcl drivers. This has been done by wrapping Tcl command ensembles around both of those classes using SWIG (see
As we will see when we work our way through sample drivers, the C++ wrappers are not able to actually pass a SWIG wrapped object to the driver methods. The driver must take the swig pointer like parameter and turn it into a SWIG object before it can be used. A Tcl fragment that shows how to turn the CCCUSB pointer into a SWIG CCCUSB object is shown below:
The example takes the ccusbPointer
which must be a swig like pointer to a CCCUSB object and
turns it in to a swig object named c
which is a SWIG object representing the underlying CCCUSB
passed in to the Initialize
This section will go through a sample snit driver describing how it works. To see this driver incorporated in a DAQ configuration file see Section 5.4.4.
First a word or two about snit. Snit is a pure Tcl object oriented framework for Tcl written by Will Duquette from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. provides access to documentation and examples of snit in action.
snit is part of the TclLib which is installed on all systems at the NSCL.
Snit classes are created via the snit::type command. Snit classes feature methods which are analagous to member functions in C++ classes.
snit also provides all types with a configure and cget command and a mechanism for declaring options that can be manipulated by these commands. Using this capability allows you to configure snit device driver instances in a manner analagous to the C++ driver instances supported by the CCUSB framework.
Below is a complete implementation of a snit driver that, at initialization time turns on the yellow LED and adds a marker to the readout list. The marker value can be configured via the instances built in configure subcommand.
Example 5-6. A snit CCUSB device driver module
lappend auto_path /usr/opt/daq/10.1/libpackage require snit package require cccusb
package require cccusbreadoutlist snit::type marker-snit {
option -value 0
# # Called when the run is being started. # # @param driverPtr - 'pointer' to the CCUSB object. # method Initialize driverPtr {
cccusb::CCCUSB c -this $driverPtr;
# Get the led programming now # Yellow is the mask of FF0000 # Clear out those bits and set that field to be 110000 which is source I3 and # inverted. set leds [c readLedSelector]
set leds [expr {$leds & 0xffff}] set leds [expr {$leds | 0x110000}] c writeLedSelector $leds
} # Called to contribute to the readout list # # @param list - 'pointer' to the CCCUSBReadoutList which will be wrapped in a # swig wrapper. # method addReadoutList list {
# # Wrap the list so we can use it: # cccusbreadoutlist::CCCUSBReadoutList l -this $list;
l addMarker $options(-value) (11) } }
The numbers in the explanations below refer to the corresponding numbers in the example text.
The snit package. This implements the object oriented framework this example uses.
The swig wrapper for the CCUSB C++ class.
The swig wrapper for the CCCUSBReadoutList C++ class.
The option command within a snit
type body defines a configurable option
in this case), and optionally
provides an initial value.
The Initialize
method must
be implemented by all device driver objecgt (do-nothing
implementations are fine). The parameter to this method
is a pointer like entity which points to a
object that communuicates
with the selected CAMAC crate.
The Initialize
method is
invoke for all object instances that are added to stacks.
It is suposed to look at the configuration items and
do what is necessary to program the module it supports
to prepare to take data in the specified configuration.
class whose underlying class is the class 'pointed to'
by the driverPtr
The wrapping creats a command c
Subcommands of that command are mapped to methods in the
C++ class.
You can also get Swig to name the new object after the pointer that was passed in:
Where $driverPtr can be used as the CCCUSB object command.readLedSelector
reads the CC-USB LED selector register. The subsequent
code makes changes the fields that control the yellow
LED so that it's input is the NIM IN3 inpout and is lit
when there is no input (inverted state). This should
normally light the yellow LED.
so that the new value of the LED selector register
takes effect.
is invoked for each driver instance that is in a stack
as the run is started. It is is expected to contribute
elements to a CCCUSBReadoutList
object that read the supported module in the manner
defined by the object's configuration.
The list
parameter is a pointer
like value to a CCCUSBReadoutList
option. In snit, options
are put in an array named options
indexed by the option name.
Incr Tcl is an object oriented extension for Tcl. It is installed on all NSCL systems. It provides the ability to define classes. As with snit, creating a class instance (object) creates a new command. The public class methods are then subcommands for the object command.
As with snit, objects can have configurations that are manipulated and queried via built in config and cget object subcommands. Unlike snit, all public member variables are considered to be configurable objects to Incr Tcl.
The properties above make Incr Tcl a viable option for implementing driver support. provides information about Incr Tcl.
The example below shows a marker driver identical in functionality to the snit driver shown in the previous section, but written with Incr Tcl.
Example 5-7. CCUSB device support example writtin in Incr Tcl
lappend auto_path /usr/opt/daq/10.1/lib puts $auto_path package require Itclpackage require cccusb package require cccusbreadoutlist itcl::class marker-itcl {
public variable value 0
# # Called when the run is being started. # # @param driverPtr - 'pointer' to the CCUSB object. # public method Initialize driverPtr {
# This turns the driver pointer into a CCUSB object which # can make use of the SWIG wrappers for the CCUSB code: cccusb::CCCUSB c -this $driverPtr; # c is a CAMAC controller object. # Get the led programming now # Yellow is the mask of FF0000 # Clear out those bits and set that field to be 110000 which is source I3 and # inverted. set leds [c readLedSelector] set leds [expr {$leds & 0xffff}] set leds [expr {$leds | 0x110000}] c writeLedSelector $leds } # Called to contribute to the readout list # # @param list - 'pointer' to the CCCUSBReadoutList which will be wrapped in a # swig wrapper. # public method addReadoutList list {
# # Wrap the list so we can use it: # cccusbreadoutlist::CCCUSBReadoutList l -this $list; # l is now a swig wrapper over the list. l addMarker $value
The numbers in the explanations below refer to the numbers in the example above.
Therefore this line creates the
. Configuring
will modify this variable.
Cgetting -value
will read this
has been described previously. The body of this
method is identical to the body of the
correpondig snit::type.
Using a Tcl driver in the DAQ configuration file requires that you
Incorporate the driver code into your DAQ configuration script.
Create device instances for the hardware you want read out by your experiment.
Register the device instances with the CCUSB frameowork so that they can be referred to in stack or other module containing commands.
Add the instances to a stack
Incorporating driver code into the DAQ configuration file. Tcl provides two suitable mechanisms for incorporating device support code into your DAQ configuration script. Note that these mechanisms are not restricted to device support code but could be used to incorporate any Tcl library code you might need.
The source command allows you to include a specific Tcl script file given a relative or absolute path directly to that script. Suppose our device support file named mydriver.tcl is located in the same directory as the configuration script. The code fragment below is an accepted way to source that file that doesn ot assume the current working directory is where the script is:
The first command determines the directory that holds the script while the second uses that to construct a path to the mydriver.tcl file for the source command.
If you develop a library of device support code, or are using someone else's device support code, it is probably preferable to use the Tcl package command, pkgIndex.tcl and package search paths to load the driver code.
The author of the driver code you are using must have cooperated to the extent of having a package provide command in their scripts, and creating a pkgIndex.tcl (through e.g. Tcl's pkg_mkIndex command) in the directories holding their packagtes.
Once this is done you can append the script package directories
to your auto_path
variable and use
package require to pull in the required
Suppose, for example, /projects/mydetector/drivers is a directory that contains several device support scripts given package names like device1 device2, suppose further that you are running in conjunction with another system that has device3 in /projects/otherdetector/drivers. The following script fragment uses the Tcl package facility to load those drivers:
lappend auto_path /projects/mydetector/drivers /projects/otherdetector/drivers package require device1 package require device2 package require device3
Furthermore, by using the TCLLIBPATH
rather than the auto_path
variable you
can make it so that your script does not need to know
which directories have package files.
Creating device instances. How you create device instances depends on how you the driver was written. In snit, for example you use the snit::type type name's create sub command. For example for the previous example driver:
creates an instance of the driver named snitmarker. The base name of the resulting command ensemble is also snitmarker. In the case of our Incr Tcl driver:
Creates an instance whose name is itclmarker and whose instance command is itclmarker
Once created, how you configure the device depends on the framework used to build the driver. For both the snit and Incr Tcl examples, the configure command can be used to configure the object instance:
Registering device instances.
Device instances must be registered. Until they are,
they have an existence completely independent of the CCUSB
framework. Registration makes their instance command
the name of a device that can be added to stack
The addtcldriver command associated a Tcl instance command with a module name:
Creates a module name snitmarker that is
associated with the snitmarker
instance of the marker-snit
Given this discussion, here is a fragment of a daq cofiguration script:
Example 5-8. DAQ config script fragment with tcl drivers.
... set here [file dirname [info script]] source [file join $here testdriver-snit.tcl] marker-snit create snitmarker snitmarker configure -value 0x5678 addtcldriver snitmarker source [file join $here testdriver-itcl.tcl] marker-itcl itclmarker itclmarker configure -value 0xfafa addtcldriver itclmarker # testing and tdc were defined earlier by 'normal' commands., stack create events stack config events -modules [list itclmarker snitmarker testing tdc] -type event -delay 108