The output of the program can be inspected by attaching the
dumper program to the ring buffer receiving the
data outputted from VMUSBReadout. Because we
did not provide a different ring buffer at the command line when launching
our program, the output will go to a ring buffer whose name is the same as
your username. This is actually the default value of the
command line option of the dumper program. As a
result we can attach the dumper with the
following command from a different terminal than the one running
spdaqXX> dumper
If the run is active, you should see data printing to your screen. You can kill the dumper program by pressing CTL-C. A cleaner way to do this in the future is to provide dumper with a finite number of ring items to process. For example, to process 10 ring items and then exit, one would enter:
spdaqXX> dumper --count=10
However you do this, you should see event output that might look like this:
----------------------------------------------------------- Event 34 bytes long Body Header: Timestamp: 5764974207242862948 SourceID: 0 Barrier Type: 0 0010 0100 5200 4d7f 5001 0c08 5400 0100 5a00 4de4 5801 0c05 5c00 ffff ffff ffff ffff -----------------------------------------------------------
From the VMUSBReadout user's guide, we know that the first 16-bit word is the event header produced by the VM-USB itself. The most-significant four bits specify that the data corresponds to stack 0 and the least significant 12 bits specify that there are sixteen 16-bit words that follow. This is very sensible because we only defined a single event stack and we can count the remaining data words.
The remaining 16 words must be understood according to the data format of
the V785 and V775. Each of these devices outputs a series of 32-bit words
bookended by header and end-of-event words. Bits 24-26 uniquely identifies
betweeen those two words and the data words. The format also uses the most
significant five bits (bits 27-31) for the geographic address. The
geographic address should be the same value we provided for the
option. For that reason, we expect that bits 27-31 of
each 32-bit word can be used to identify whether the data originated from
the V775 or the V785. Before we start parsing the data further, let's
group the 16-bit words in the output into 32-bit words.
0xffffffff 0xffffffff
option of the v775. Other information
encoded in this header are the crate index (bits 16-23) and the number
of data words before the end-of-event word (bits 12-16). The header
tells us that the module resides in crate 0 and that there is a single
data word that follows.
In the above output, it is apparent that the event count of the V775 and V785 differ by 2 events, the V775 having seen two more events than the V785. Such a condition is not terribly worrisome in this case, because the V775 is initialized prior to the V785. Because the initialization process is done before the VM-USB transitions to autonomous mode, the timing is controlled by the speed at which a VM-USB can execute interactive commands and the speed at which the software operates. Such timing is indeterminate because the operation system scheduler plays a role. It should be expected that the time between clearing the V775 and V785 is on the order of milliseconds. If the rate is around 1 kHz, then it is possible that multiple triggers occur after the V775 has been cleared and the V785 clears.
If your most recent dump of the data using dumper did not include any scaler items in the output, you should run the dumper again in such a way that excludes processing ring items of type PHYSICS_EVENT.
spdaqXX> $DAQBIN/dumper --count=5 --exclude=PHYSICS_EVENT
The output should include at least one ring item that has the following look:
Tue Mar 10 15:12:56 2015 : Scalers: Interval start time: 10 end: 12 seconds in to the run Body Header: Timestamp: 0 SourceID: 0 Barrier Type: 0 Scalers are incremental Index Counts Rate 0 0 0.00 1 0 0.00 2 0 0.00 3 0 0.00 4 0 0.00 5 0 0.00 6 0 0.00 7 0 0.00 8 0 0.00 9 0 0.00 10 0 0.00 11 0 0.00 12 0 0.00 13 0 0.00 14 0 0.00 15 0 0.00 16 513 256.50 17 0 0.00 18 0 0.00 19 0 0.00 20 0 0.00 21 0 0.00 22 0 0.00 23 0 0.00 24 0 0.00 25 0 0.00 26 0 0.00 27 0 0.00 28 0 0.00 29 0 0.00 30 0 0.00 31 0 0.00 -----------------------------------------------------------
There is much less to be explained here than for the event data. The scaler stack read out all 32 channels of data from the SIS3820 during each stack execution, so the dump shows 32 channels of data. In my test setup, I had only plugged in a single input to the SIS3820 at channel 16. The SIS3820 was operated as an incremental scaler as well, which means that after every read the device was cleared. In the information section above the actual scaler values, you also see that the scaler values account for the time between 10 and 12 seconds after the run began.